Friday 30 September 2011

Details About My Week?

Remember how a few days ago, I promised that when I use my laptop I'll explain in detail why I've been busy? Well, now I'm using a laptop.

Okay, so, on Monday, my aunt gave birth but her older son was very sick. So, my mum picked us up early from school, so we could all go and stay with him. The reason she took us out of school is that their house is far from school and she didn't know if she'd have time to be able to pick us up when school ends.

But when we got their, my uncle told us to take him back to our grandparents' house, because the doctor needed to see him. Oh, and he had tonsillitis. When we got to our grandparents' house, he had a fever of about 40, and I think at some point it even reached 41. So of course, we were all trying to help, and we were stressed because he was crying and so on.

We stayed with my grandparents until about 11, which was when we were sure that my cousin was fast asleep. The next day we went to school, but after school we went to my grandparents' house to look after my cousin again. And we've basically been doing that all week. So until today, I hadn't been able to spend any time at home, because normally when we came back, I'd be so exhausted, that I'd just sleep right away.

And, on top of all that,  we haven't been able to see my new cousin. In fact, Tarek, my cousin that was sick, hasn't been able to see his brother yet. And, Tarek also hasn't seen his mother since Monday, so it must be horrible for him.

Luckily, he looks like he's much better, so hopefully he'll get to see them soon. And, we're definitely going to see my new cousin some time this week.

Oh, and I've had absolutely no time to study for SAT. I mean, technically, you don't really need to study, but you need to just practice a lot. And, I kind of need to refresh my mind on some math rules. I don't think I'll have time to study math today, so I'm not optimistic that I'll do well tomorrow on the test. I guess I'll just need to hope my English score is good!

I know that this didn't have as much detail as you might have wanted - or too much detail that you don't care about - but at least it's a long post! Right?


1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty speechless about what happened to your week. I feel really sorry for your aun't eldest son :(
    I know I don't know him but I really hope he gets better soon! (Don't tell him that lol)
    And it's a shame you can't revise for your SATs! Terry, aren't you scared? I'd be shizzing my pants now if I were in your shoes...
    You're either really smart or really lazy...
    And I think it's the former :P
    Anyway, I can't believe it's the last day of BEDS!!!
    Okay, I'll write something nice and long about that on my post... so see you then! Bye!
