Saturday 17 September 2011

More Change and Furniture

I'm going to talk about change again! I bet you didn't see that coming, did you?

So, yesterday, when I talked about change I mainly talked about websites changing their layout, but that's not all I meant by change. That was just the only example I could think of at the time. Another kind of change that people don't like is moving. I personally love to move, whether it's moving to a different country, or just moving to a different house - but that might be because I'm used to it. Some people though find it too much of a pain. Moving is a pain, obviously, but I still like the change.

When things stay the same for too long, I get bored of it. Like classes. If I'm always stuck with the same kids in a class every year, I'd get sick of it. Good thing there are always new kids in my school. :)

Something I always liked to do was go to my friend Nour's house and see what thing has changed. For some reason, her family always used to change the arrangement of the furniture, and I found that really cool. We can't really do that in our house because we built everything specifically for the furniture, but it used to work for her house. Sometimes the dining table would be in one area, and the next time I went it would be in a different area. Do you change the position of the furniture in your house often?

I reason I think I'm talking about change, is that my grandma is reupholstering most of her furniture, repainting the walls, and changing her carpet, and I can't wait to see how her house will look like when it's all finished. And I remember distinctively one day in Canada when I was going down to the kitchen to make my breakfast, I thought, "I'm bored of this house. Imagine how cool it would be to move and to have a completely different house." And this was before we were thinking of moving to Egypt, and I have no idea why I still remember that. But I do. And it just shows that even when I was younger, I liked things to change.

But saying all that, I still like some things to stay the way they are. And sometimes it's nice to have one house that you lived in all your life and all your memories are of that house. I don't have that, because I have memories from many different houses in different countries, and it's a bit odd, but at the same time it's also cool.

I guess I just like change because I'm used to it, and change is a big part of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, yesterday I commented on your blog that change is really cool (except on website layouts). The reason why I say except website layouts is because, as I said yesterday, it takes time to get used to. I wouldn't mind if I had all the time in the world, but thing is we don't. So, in that time that I'm looking for a particular function that used to be on the old website layout, I miss out things that I was supposed to do at that time, but that I haven't done because I was looking for the function I was looking for because of the stupid layout.
    And I really think that whole different-website-layout business was pointless. >_>
    I'm gonna have to disagree with you about the moving countries bit. I really hate it now. In a few years, probably, maybe about twenty odd years from now (if I'm still alive, that is), I will want to move countries again. But now I can't stand it. Maybe it's because I'm so used to it and I hate my parents for taking me around so much, to the extent of not even knowing where my home is. On the bright side, though, it's quite an experience to move around and learn different languages, and meet different people. But overall, it's just better to stay in one place, develop a feeling of belonging there, and just live and get on with life, instead of moving somewhere else and starting all over.
    Sorry for that awfully tedious long comment... Actually maybe I should've written this as my post xP
    See you tomorrow...
