Wednesday 14 September 2011


Tomorrow's Thursday! That means that almost a full week of school has gone by. It feels like yesterday was our first day. Actually, no. I take that back. We have way too much homework for yesterday to be the first day. I mean, we don't have a lot of homework, but just more than what you get on the first day, which is no homework.

I don't know why, but I always feel that school shouldn't give homework until a week of school has passed. I don't know why I feel that way - obviously teachers don't agree with me - but I just do. So it feels odd for me to be doing homework now.

The reason I'm talking about homework is that I was doing some now. (Then I watched a video, and then I blogged, so by 'now' I mean fifteen minutes ago, but whatever.) And then I'm going to eat and then come back to do more homework.

I have a question for you. Do you like to do your work - be it homework or any kind of work - as soon as you get it, or do you procrastinate? Because I think that I like to do both. It just depends on how I feel the day I get the work. For example, if I have to do something that's due in four days, and the day I got the work I had a headache or something, I probably won't even start until the last day, but if the day I get it I'm fine, I just do it right away and get it over with. Does how you feel play a factor on when you do your work?* Or do you always finish your work early or late?

I guess I'll go down now to the kitchen, to see how the food is coming along. See you tomorrow! And I can't believe only 14 days of September have gone by!** I can't wait till the end of September! :)


*Obviously how you feel affects your work, but I mean in terms of lateness and stuff. Do you understand what I mean? No? Didn't think so. No one understands me! *pout*

**I know that this contradicts with my first paragraph where I mention that this week has gone by quickly, but it makes sense to me, in my head. Sorry if it doesn't in yours. :P

1 comment:

  1. Hi. For me, I always, ALWAYS leave homework for the last day. I never look in my agenda, see that a homework assignment is due next week, or in a few days, and do it straight away. The reason is simple: if I've finished it early, then I'll have to remember where I put it, plus I might actually forget to bring it to school on the day it's due. But if I do it the day before then I just remember that I have to put it in my bag for tomorrow... if that makes sense :P
    And I procrastinate A LOT. Which is why I sometimes use this program called Cold Turkey which blocks certain websites for a certain amount of time, and you can't change it until that time has finished.
    And, omigosh, I'm SO sorry my comments are always so long! They must be a pain to read :(
