Tuesday 6 September 2011

Lots of Places I Don't Know The Names Of

Today is Tuesday, but I've been so busy that I won't be able to upload a video. So that sucks.

We left the house early and went to our school to get our report cards which we were supposed to get in June, and to get some papers that my mum needed. Basically, those papers were for my ID which I've been allowed to have since I turned 16 in March, but we've only started the process now cause I'll need it to get into the SAT in October.

After we left the school, we went to the - actually I have no idea what that place was. It was where they took that paper we got from the school to verify that I was a student or something like that. I'm really not sure of what all the papers and things were for. Anyway, turns out that the school secretary didn't stamp the paper, which that place asked for, for more verification.

We headed back to school, got the paper stamped, and then went back to the place that's name is not known to me and then we had to go to the place where all the documents are made. And I've completely drawn a blank as to what it's called in English.*

Then, we got some more papers, and some of them needed to be photocopied. But their photocopier was not working, so we had to look for a place that had a photocopier. We found one, and then went back to the place that's name I can't remember in English, where we had to wait a bit and then I had my picture taken.

And that's the end of that story.

And to top it all off, the streets were really crowded, so I spent most of the time in the car. At least I got to listen to my music!**

I guess I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!

* It's so weird when that happens, since English is my first language and stuff. But I guess it's because normally when people talk about that place, they say it in Arabic, so I forgot it in English. And I do know the word...It's just slipped my mind...XP Weird....

** I always listen to my music in the car, and I normally don't listen to it any other time. So I actually enjoy car rides. :)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I actually thought I was the only one to love car rides. I don't listen to music while I'm in the car, but we listen to the radio and I like that. And I don't know what it is about being in a car that's so fun...
    a weirdo
