Thursday 29 September 2011

Introverts and Attention

So, yesterday I was reading an article about introverts and how extroverts always take the lime light, making introverts feel left out. Now, being an introvert, I found the article quite interesting, and I wish I had a link to it, so you could read it and find it interesting too. But I don't. Oh, well.

I know what the writer meant by extroverts always getting attention. They tend to give off friendly vibes, while introverts give off unfriendly vibes. Now, this doesn't mean that introverts are unfriendly and that extroverts are friendly; it's just the initial vibes people get when they're around them.

I personally know that I don't give off friendly vibes. I don't have 'I want to be best friends with everyone' written all over my face, because I don't want to be. But that doesn't mean I want people to ignore me all the time.

I'm not goig to lie: a lot of the times I like being invisible. In fact, I spend a whole lot of time thinking of ways to not be noticeable. But that doesn't mean I want to be ignored all the time. Sometimes, I want to ne noticed, but being an introvert, I find it hard to bring out my friendly, welcoming vibes to be noticed.

Obviously, I know most people seem to be comfortable around me, and think I'm a really kind person - which I'm really not - but that doesn't mean I'm not ignored while the extroverts get all the attention.

Don't get me wrong, I loe being an introvert, it's just I could relate to the article I read, and I wanted to write about it today.

Sorry if my thoughts weren't organised, but I'm sort of sick and can only think about sleeping now.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I really liked your post today Terry.
    Being an introvert too, I'm a wee bit surprised, I have to say, that you LIKE being invisible. Sometimes, I do too, but very rarely. I hate being centre of attention, but I hate even more being ignored. I always ask myself, "If I died right now, or if I randomly just left the room and saw nobody else ever again, would they notice?" and most of the time the answer is no. And my insides churn when the answer is no. I hate it when the answer is no.
    I'm so sorry all I'm talking about is me, me, me, me. Thing is, Ter, you're so stupid and smart at the same time. You're smart because... well, you just are. You're stupid because you think you don't give unfriendly vibes. Terry, are you just saying that to make me feel awful? Because everyone at school effing loves you, okay? Seriously! xD
    Love you and your "unfriendly" vibes. Oh you make me laugh with your raw sarcasm!

    P.S. Sorry there are 2 comments. They are still both from me (unfortunately) so don't get your hopes up xP There was just a typo in the other one so I had to delete it and repost it. (There's so edit in this freaking comment thing)

  3. By the way I meant "no" not "so" in the last sentence!
    Oh gawd I'm so stupid!

  4. Oh, and in the first (or should I say second) comment, I meant "you give unfriendly vibes", not "you don't give unfriendly vibes"...
