Sunday 1 January 2012

New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that every single one of you have the best year ever and that 2012 brings you all the happiness in the world.

For those of you who don't know, I plan to write a blog-post every single day of the year. I don't know why I've decided to do this semi-crazy task, but I have. I guess I just had so much fun last year in April (BEDA), September (BEDS), and the beginning of August (BEDA) that I decided that I might try writing everyday.

Now, I love to write, but I know that there will be days when writing a blog-post will be the last thing I'll want to do, but I will try my best to write something. So, I can't promise that everyday I will write a 'proper' post. In fact, I'm pretty sure that there will be many days when my posts are only a few lines - especially in November.

To sum it up, don't expect much from me, okay?

How did you all spend your New Year's Eve? My maternal grandparents came to stay with us for the night, so we stayed up and played bingo and ate snacks till midnight. It's kind of a tradition in my family to play bingo on New Year's Eve. We play before midnight and then after. The game after is supposed to portray our luck for the rest of the year. Now, I'm not going to say that I particularly believe that winning or losing decides your luck for the rest of the year, but I do enjoy playing bingo with my family...and winning, which I did lots of yesterday night.

Do you guys have any traditions that you do on New Year's Eve? I love to hear about other people's traditions.

Besides blogging everyday, I don't have any resolutions. I always find that I don't keep my resolutions, and I don't like to disappoint myself, so I tend not to put them. I'd much rather accomplish something that I decided to do during the year because I feel like it than put many goals at the beginning of the year, which I probably will never accomplish because I might get bored of them. Does that make sense to you? I always feel like my blogs make no sense.

So, on that note, I'll leave you for today. Have a great day!

Book - Page Number: Le Morte D'Arthur - 282

(^ I'm doing this because I really want to read a lot this year, and knowing that I have to write my page number on my blog will motivate me to read. ;) )

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