Sunday 11 September 2011


Hello! So let's talk about being a Hufflepuff!

To be honest, while I was taking the test, I really didn't want to be Hufflepuff. Maybe it was just that I really wanted to be a Ravenclaw, but anyway,  I didn't want to be a Hufflepuff. And the reason I didn't want to be a Hufflepuff is I don't believe that I'm very kind.* But people always think I'm kind when they first meet me, so I knew that after Ravenclaw, I was probably a Hufflepuff.

But after I learned I was a Hufflepuff, I accepted my 'fate' almost instantly. I realised that it wasn't a huge deal. And then when I started reading what the 'prefect' had to say about the house, I fell in love with it. Honestly. I really like what Hufflepuffs stand for, and the more I read the welcome note, the more I realised that I am a Hufflepuff. I guess the test is correct!**

So, to sum it up, I'm really happy. And I'm so over Ravenclaw (kind of). ;P Plus, the badger is adorable!

Besides all this, today was the first day of school. I think I'll write about school tomorrow though!***



*I'm not unkind, I've just met people who are much kinder than me. XP

**The test may not be completely right though, because one of my friends (Randa) got sorted into Ravenclaw, but she's not a Ravenclaw at all. I can see her being in any house, but not Ravenclaw. Not because she't not smart, she is, but because studying isn't the most important thing for her and stuff.

***I feel like I always tell you what's coming up! XP

1 comment:

    *so mad rips hair out of scalp!*
