Thursday 8 September 2011

'It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!'

Yesterday, we - meaning my mum, siblings and me - were in the car on our way home from shopping, when the YMCA song comes on the radio. Naturally, we all start doing the dance. At first, Christopher was reluctant to do the dance because I think he was embarrassed, but after a few times and a bit of convincing he joined in.

The funny part is that we were on a road that had quite a few cars and one of the drivers behind us saw us dancing. He started laughing hysterically, and then started moving his hands like we were. I don't think he knew the dance, but it was funny that he was trying to do it. 

When the song ended, the driver went ahead of us, and while he passed us, he started clapping and laughing. It was really funny, and we all practically laughed the whole way home.

I was going to share that yesterday, but I forgot. So, here you go. 

Has something like that ever happened to you guys? Tell me in the comments, if you want. ;)

I hope you guys had a great week! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Haha! That sounds so funny! I love it when stuff like that happens.
    Something like that happened once, this summertime when we had gone to France for a month.
    Our mum had allowed me, Tati and Ibrahim to go with my cousin, my uncle and his girlfriend to a lake a few hours from where my nan lives. On our way back, we were in the car on the bridge right above the lake. The music in the car was blasting loud and my uncle girlfriend was dancing waving her arms like mad (she's a bit cuckoo, see). She was in such a good mood she waved at a guy on a windsurf board in the lake down below. And he actually waved back! But right after he lost his balance (because the hand he was supposed to be using to hold the sail was waving) and he nearly just fell in the lake! As we drove past we looked back and he was still struggling to regain balance on his surfboard! So we sure hope he was okay and he didn't fall in the water. :P
    So, I hoped you enjoyed my story, even though it wasn't much. See you tomorrow!
