Monday 5 September 2011



Guess what? Guess what? I didn't forget to blog today! Whoo!

Does 'whoo' have an 'h'? Woo? Whoo? Whoo cares? (See what I did there?)

Today, we had a surprise birthday party for my brother, Christopher. I don't think he had a clue, so that was good. :)

Yesterday, I had a chat with some of my friends about the death penalty. I, personally, am totally against the death penalty, no matter what the crime is. I just don't think anyone has the right to take away another person's life. And I would like to know your opinions on this topic, so leave me a comment! If you want. But I just find this so interesting, and even though my net was crappy, and I kept getting disconnected, I really enjoyed the chat.

Tomorrow, I might go to the eye doctor to get my eyes checked. I haven't checked my eyes in three years, and I think it's time for me to get new glasses. And honestly, I hate my glasses, so I'm excited to get new ones, especially since I might need to start wearing them all the time.

I just came back from playing CoD with my brother. And now I really need to post this because it's almost midnight. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi there!
    I always thought it was normal to have a 'h' in 'Whoo'. That's how I spell it anyway...
    I'm totally against the death penalty as well. Even if someone's killed more than one person, I don't think it's our job to serve justice. What am I even talking about? Justice will never be served, anyway, if you kill a person, because revenge just gets you nowhere. So I agree with you 100%. To be honest, I don't see how anyone would argue FOR the death penalty (without sounding barbaric, not to mention medieval of course), because punishing that person won't just magically bring back the person they murdered.
    Sorry that was kind of a long comment. It's just that I'm really interested in this topic as well.
    And kudos for playing COD! I haven't played it in months... :P
    See you!
