Saturday 24 September 2011



For one of the first times, I've lost my locker key. I still don't know if I won't find it, because it could be at school, but I'm not that optimistic. So, today, I learnt how to pick a padlock with a paperclip. I learnt a mediocre way of picking the lock, but hopefully it will work. I already tried it on one of our suitcase locks, and it worked, so I hope that I will be able to do it at school!

But I'm sad I lost my locker key. Want to know why? Because I have a few key-chains on it that meant something to me. Actually I had three things:

1) This orange key-chain that had a plastic seashell in it. (The one you gave me, Isra ;))
2) This kitten key-chain that Nadeen gave me. There were originally two kittens, so she took one and gave it to me, like friendship key-chains.
3) And this gimp key-chain, and the gimp I used was from one of my friends in Canada. And oddly enough, the key-chain was red and white.

I always have the tendency to give almost everything sentimental value, and it's almost impossible for me to throw things. I have a whole bunch of junk in my room, and I always give myself excuses as to why I should keep them. The best part is that although I know that I don't really need them, I end up convincing myself that one day I will. So I keep them.

And that's my life. ;P

Have a great evening! 

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I'm so sorry you lost your keys and key-chains hun!
    And I can't believe you STILL have that plastic shell thing I gave to you! I couldn't believe what I read when I read that part!
    I actually thought I was the only one who took everything for some sort of sentimental value. I literally have a whole load of junk in my desk drawers... every week-end I think, "Okay, this time I'm gonna clear all this clutter so it's nice and tidy!" and then I find there are so many things I simply can't throw away. Like birthday cards or little gifts from people that mean so much to me... and also, Terry, I've still got those McFly and Taylor Swift lyrics you specially hand-wrote for me and Tati... and also that flamingo bead design you made! Remember? And you always said you'd teach us how to do that, but you never did...
    Anyway, I'll write my post too. Once again, it's refreshing to find someone who is so like me in certain ways!
