Tuesday 13 September 2011



So, I almost forgot to write today! :P But I remembered, so that's good. Unfortunately, I'm using my brother's computer, because I turned off my laptop before I remembered, so I don't have much time to write.

This is my 60th post! Yay! At least, I think it is.

Tomorrow be prepared for a longer post. Maybe.

And Isra, sorry I'm always behind on reading your blog! It's just I haven't had much time to go online lately! :(

My brother's keyboard is hard to type with...I'm so used to my keyboard. :P

Okay, bye! :)

1 comment:

  1. 60?! Woah, that's loads! I've only done about 13. No, exactly 13. Because I started on the first day of BEDS. Duh...
