Saturday 2 April 2011


I like to write. I mean, I guess that's sort of a given, since I'm doing BEDA, but I thought I'd tell you all that nonetheless. To me, writing is a great way to express my feelings and to clear my head. And it doesn't matter if no one but me is ever going to read what I write, as long as I write. But I tend to be on the shy side, and I tend to not show people what I write. That's why I've never written a blog before, and why I don't like writing in school. So, in a way, this blog is a way for me to overcome my being shy of people reading my work.
I feel like ever single sentence that I write needs to be perfect. But that isn't true. In a blog, does your every word need to be perfect? No. In a novel, or a story, it's different. But this is just a blog. And I should be able to write whatever I want and not care what other's think of it and if it's the most interesting thing in the world or not. So, that's what I'm going to do; I'm going to try to write what's in my head and pretend that no one but me will ever read this, so that I'm less self-conscious and more honest.
That means that I'm not going to apologise for this being boring, because if you find it boring (which is a possibility), then you shouldn't be here reading it. And I won't thank you for reading this - even though I want to ;) - because it's not something I'm asking you to do, but something you're doing because you want to. And is this making sense? Maybe not. I don't make sense a lot of the time (just ask my friends) XP.
Saying that, I do really appreciate anyone who reads this. =)
So, to summarise, I like to write and that's what I'm going to do here. Everyday of April, because April starts with an A. =P
I hope you've all had a lovely, relaxing Saturday.


  1. Honestly, I don't find any of your writing skills boring, neither do I find it imperfect. You're amazing, Terry. And, I think overcoming your shyness of people reading your work is awesome! <3

  2. Your writing is NEVER boring!! And I know that for a fact, because I think I read a lot of your amazing work ;)
