Thursday 7 April 2011

No Topic

Okay, so remember how yesterday I said that this would be a sport-themed blog post? Well, turns out that won't be the case. See today, of all days, I slept in. And I didn't go to school. So that was fun. Not. See, normally I would be cool with not going to school, but I've been kind of looking forward to going today since it was sports day (like I mentioned yesterday) and this year I was on the same team as my friends. So I spent the greater part of my day being upset that I slept in. I'm over it now, though. Kind of.

Anyway, so my day was pretty average.

Off topic, but Sous* (a.k.a Sasha, my Lab) just jumped on the couch and there wasn't much space for her. But she came up anyway and slept in the most awkward position...for me. I mean, she almost sat on my laptop. She just jumped off, though, because she heard the word 'food' and now she's sleeping on her mat. But she's just so cute, that I had to share that.

Again, off topic - wait what exactly is the topic anyway? Not sure, but anyway, the traffic today was horrible. We, my mum, siblings and dogs, were going to my grandparents' house today at around 12ish, and it took us 2 hours to get there...when it normally takes us half an hour, and sometimes even less time. And 12 is an odd hour for it to be crowded, because nobody is going to work, or school, or going back home. But I guess Thursdays are crowded no matter what time of day.

So, tomorrow, I'm thinking of writing about my day. I haven't done that yet, and I think it would be cool. Plus Friday is normally an exciting day or at least more exciting than week-days. Nice blogging, as usual. XP

'All my life, I wish I broke mirrors instead of promises cause all I see is a shattered conscience staring right back at me,' - Owl City

*Just thought I'd say that Sous is a nickname for a female dog and not a baby boy. That is all... ;)