Wednesday 6 April 2011


I can't believe that I'm not bored of writing this yet. I mean, I normally stick to things I say I'll do, but that doesn't mean that I don't get bored or think of those things as chores. But so far that hasn't happened with writing a blog. Maybe it's because I really enjoy writing. Or maybe it's because I haven't gotten a lot of home work this week, so I have time to write.

Tomorrow's sport's day at my school. This is the second year that we've had a sport's day because my school is relatively new and small. Anyway, last year we had it in May or June and the weather was so hot. And there wasn't enough water. I think someone even fainted because of the heat. So this year, they've made it earlier, which is a good idea.

Last year I was on the Blue Team and we came in third place...out of four teams. But, actually, I was surprised, because I definitely thought we'd come out in last place: we had a really bad team.
This year, I'm also on the Blue Team, but I think we have better chance this time. I still doubt we'll come in first place, though. Maybe second place, if we're really lucky.

I'm lucky that both years I've been on the Blue Team, because I love the colour blue, and fifty percent of my t-shirts are blue. So, I don't have any problem with what to wear. XP

I haven't actually signed up to do many sports, because most of the events are running, and as I think I've mentioned before, I'm not much of a runner. But I signed up for soccer (or football :P) even though I'm quite bad at it. I'm quite bad at most sports, but I love them anyway.

I think I'll end this here, because I have to go eat dinner. Be prepared for another sport-themed blog tomorrow, because unless nothing fun happens tomorrow, I'll talk about sport's day. Actually even if nothing fun happens, I'll probably still talk about sport's day and say how bad it was...
Until tomorrow!

"I'm a Ravenclaw, I like to read books, when I cast spells they're off the freakin' hook," - Ministry of Magic


  1. Best part of my day is when I get to read your blogs. x

    I love you, Ravenclaw! (:

  2. You were always a great runner!!! Have you forgotten? I am sure I can dig up some pictures to prove it, too :P

    PS: I actually knew the melody for the song...and I could actually sing along, in my head! hehehe
