Friday 29 April 2011

Random Thoughts

Two more days to go I'll have succeeded in doing BEDA!

Today, I went out with my friends. I always have a great time when I hang with them, because they're just all so amazing. I know I've said that they're awesome before, but I feel like I need to say it again.

Also, it rained today. It didn't rain much, but it rained. Who loves the rain? Actually, the more correct question should be who doesn't love the rain?

Alright, so I'm just going to list the random things that come into my head:

1) My feet are cold.
2) I need to go on the HPA.
3) I want to watch Fringe.
4) I have so much to do (projects and stuff), and yet all I am doing is worrying that I won't have time to do them, instead of, you know, doing them.
5) I love long weekends.
6) The Royal Wedding.
7) The wedding that I'm going to tomorrow.
8) I want to play Halo today.
9) I haven't played Halo in a while.
10) I want to read.
11) I'll stop doing this now.

Okay, so tomorrow I'll probably blog early. That will be a nice change for the last day of BEDA. I hope you all had an absolutely amazing Friday.

'I've got a house full of black Santas, black Santas on the wall,' - Lauren Fairweather 

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