Sunday 3 April 2011

I'm A Nerd

Hello :)

So, today's Sunday which means school again. Am I the only one, or is school kind of a waste of time? I mean, sure you learn things, but at the end of the year, I forget almost everything I've learnt. So what's the point?

I kind of feel like this blog post will be all over the place. XP

I'm almost finished Buffy. In fact I have like three episodes of Season 7 left. And I'm going to watch an episode after I post this. I'm excited to find out what happens, but I also don't want it to end. So I'm having mixed emotions at the moment...

I also want to go upstairs and play Assassin's Creed Brotherhood on my xbox* . Or Halo. But my dad is using it now so I can't. And it's not fair cause he was using it all last night too! So, that kind of sucks. Maybe if I go up later and ask him he'll let me play. Hopefully. XP

Okay, so in case you haven't guessed already, I'm a complete nerd.

At the moment I'm not reading anything. Or actually, I am, I just haven't read in a while. I used to read before I sleep, but now for some reason when I get into bed I'm just so exhausted and I don't have the energy to read.** So, that's sad. :(

So far, I'm really enjoying BEDA. And I'm enjoying blogging. After April I think I'll start blogging more. Or not. I always say I'll do things and then I don't. Like there was this time that I decided that I would go running everyday. And I was really excited about doing it too. I only ended up doing it like two days. Turns out running isn't exactly my thing. And it takes away precious time that could be spent reading fanfiction, or watching videos on youtube.

Also, I'd just like to say that it's raining! I love the rain? Don't you? I like the sun too, though. Isn't it the best when it's raining and the sun's out? And then there's a rainbow and if we're really lucky even a double rainbow! =) Alas, the chances of the sun coming out now is impossible since it's 7:40pm and the sun has been long gone. So I'll have to make do with the fact that there will be no rainbow, or double rainbow...
So, I've got to go do homework if I plan to play with the xbox and watch Buffy. But it's been nice writing.
See you all tomorrow!

*Well it's not my  xbox, cause it also belongs to the rest of my family. And since my brother is the one who bought it it's technically his...xP

** Yes, I'm aware that reading doesn't take up much energy. But if you're sleepy reading just isn't that enjoyable because you won't concentrate on the book, right?



  1. "I'll have to make do with the fact there will be no rainbow, or double rainbow"

    Lol, I like it. xx


  2. I love reading your blogs so I do hope you continue to blog after April ;)
