Wednesday 27 April 2011

At My Grandparent's!

I haven't gone home yet, and now I'm at my grandparent's. It's cool though, because they have Internet so I can blog! Yay!

Don't want to brag, but my grandparents are pretty awesome. I mean my maternal grandma has a twitter and Facebook account, and my maternal grandpa has a Facebook account, and maybe a twitter. I'm not sure if he has twitter or not. But still, pretty cool, huh?

But, anyway, I'm with them now, and I've just finished drinking a cup of coffee. I love coffee, and tea. Actually coffee and tea are basically all I drink.

Andbutso, I'm reading 'Will Grayson, Will Grayson'. See what I did there? I guess if you haven't read WGWG you don't…oh well. Anyway, it's a really good book. I read it before last summer but I read most of it on the plane from England to Egypt, and I hadn't slept at all. And I finished it when arriving home having only slept for a few hours. So maybe I wasn't exactly focused when reading it. I still liked it though; it wasn't like I completely wasn't aware. For the most part I was aware; I was just tired.

Anyway it's an awesome book. I think I mentioned that earlier. And John Green and David Levithan are two of my favourite writers. So, I definitely recommend WGWG and everything else either of them have written.

Want another good book? '13 Little Blue Envelopes' by Maureen Johnson. Now I'm reading the sequel 'The Last Little Blue Envelope' and so far I like it. But MJ is great and hilarious, especially on twitter.

So, now I've reccommended a few good books for you, unless - and there's a chance this is the case - you already know these books.

Until tomorrow!
Peace, Love and Potter! (And Nerdfighteria!)

'I don't work for free, please take care of me' - Kina Grannis

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