Wednesday 20 April 2011

The Beach

Exams are done and I'm traveling tomorrow. I won't have internet, guitars or xbox for a few days, but I think I'll survive. I just plan on cramming as much internet usage and xbox and guitar playing today. But I also have to write my blog!

I'd also like to say that I'm still not sure what I think about multiple choice, but I've come up with a conclusion on the worst kind of questions: the fill in blanks. I mean, they're okay if they're elementary school style where they give you the words you need to put in the blank, but when you have to come up with the words then that's just not fun. I thought I'd just say that, but that's all for exam talk in this post.

Who likes the beach? I like walking on the beach, and sitting on the beach - not for long though cause I don't like getting a tan - but I really don't like swimming in the sea and stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love to swim. But the idea of swimming with fish and god knows what around me freaks the hell out of me. So unless the sea water is clear and I can see to the bottom of the sea, then I'll stick with the pool, thank you very much. Or if the weather is just too hot and I need to cool down. Then I guess I'd consider the sea.

I love the sand though. And I love to walk in the water when it's like ankle-deep, or even like toe-deep, just so my feet get wet. And I love to sit on the sand and look at the sea.

But do you know what I like more? Sitting at home, reading a book, or with my laptop. Now that's paradise. ;)


Dear Randa,
I don’t really know how to tell you this but, I’m in love with your cat. I think I realised it when your dwarf bit me outside of your office and I saw you sit on the elephant in the corner. I’m sure you’re high enough to understand that your driving sucks. I’m returning the couch cushions to you, but I’ll keep your collection of butterflies as a memory. You should also know that I told in my confession today about the moose poaching and you should stop picking our nose.
Greetings to your frog Leonard,

'And I know it's been such a long time since we've just been friends, and not soldiers on the front line of a war, that we were born into, but we have to do this together. Don't leave me.' - MoM 

* If you don't get this, click here.


  1. I like the beach, and all of the things you had described.

    I also laughed so hard at the conclusion of this post.


    You're amazing. Enough said.. <3

  2. Hope you have a Hoppy Easter!! Enjoy :)
