Tuesday 5 April 2011

No More Buffy :(

Hey! How are you doing today?

So I finished Buffy. I don't even know what to think since I just finished it like half an hour ago. And I also don't want to write about it in case any of you (*wink wink* Randa)* plan on watching it, cause then I'd be spoiling it for you! And we wouldn't want that to happen. But, I'm going to miss it. ;(

So, now though, I'm thinking of watching Fringe. I've watched only a few episodes, and I haven't really fallen in love with it yet. But I remember that I when I first started watching Buffy I wasn't that into it either. So, I'm sure I just need time. And maybe by the end of April I will love Fringe as much as I love Buffy.

I also want to watch Glee, because recently everyone has been talking about it. Even more than they did before. And I've watched half of Season 1 (or more), I think. And it's not my favourite show, but most of my friends like it and since they won't watch any of the shows I like.....(*wink wink* Randa)

I'm so behind on YouTube videos. I have like a hundred videos in my subscription box and because of VEDA they just keep on increasing. And I can't seem to find the time to watch them all. Even though I have plenty of time, if you think about it...(which you wouldn't because you have no idea how much free time I do or don't have.)

This is basically my life. Or, rather, my lack of one.

I'm thinking of ending each blog post with a line from a song, because I always have songs stuck in my head. And if you ask anyone around me you'll know that I'm normally singing those songs to the point where people want to tell me to shut up but don't want to be rude, because they're too nice. Aren't I lucky to be surrounded by such nice people?

I don't know how we got from TV shows to talking about the people I surround myself with. But on that lovely note, I will end this blog post.

'This isn't Hogwarts, this is a concrete box and the pictures on the walls are never going to talk,' - Hank Green

* Randa, I'm aware that you have no intentions of watching Buffy, but a girl can wish can't she? x


  1. Oh no!!!!! More videos!!!!!! ;)

  2. Haha.. I love this blog; didn't see it yesterday. But, I'm going to watch Buffy for sure, Terz.

    Girl can get her wish granted. :P

    Also, no one wants you to shut up because
    1.) You're choice in songs' unique.
    2.) We love you! xx
