Friday 8 April 2011

A Regular Friday

So today I woke up, at around 10 something, and got ready. I'm always in the habit of getting ready as soon as I wake up even on the weekends and even if I know I'm not going to leave my house. I just don't really like hanging out in my pajamas. Yes, I know I'm weird.

Then I had my breakfast - well, I don't know if you'd consider two chocolate bars 'breakfast', but it's food. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, 'Chocolate for breakfast? What kind of breakfast is that? How is that healthy!?' Calm down, reader. I don't normally have chocolate for breakfast; I normally have a healthy cheese sandwich with tea.* But come on, it's the weekend. I get to have a treat. :P

Then at around 1pm - actually I forgot what time it was but for the sake of writing a time, let's go with 1 - my family and I went to my grandparent's house. Every Friday, my family and my uncle and his family, go to my maternal grandparents for lunch. I like this tradition because I get to see my family - which includes my one and only cousin who is just adorable - every week.

We stayed there until 7:30, and then came home to watch Inception. I've watched Inception before, but I was the only one of my family who had. For the record, I think it's a pretty awesome movie. But it is complicated, and after the movie I had to explain some bits about what happened in the movie to my family.**

 And now I'm here.

So it turns out my weekends aren't a lot more exciting than my weekdays. Actually, now that I think about it, my weekends - like my weekdays - are pretty uniform. In fact, what I did today pretty much happens ever Friday, unless I go out with my friends.

I'm sorry Rebecca that I don't 'get down' on Fridays...


'Friday, Friday, gotta get down on Friday, everybody's looking forward to the weekend," - Rebecca Black

* Now some of you (Randa) might think I'm not telling you the truth. I am. I don't always have chocolate for breakfast. Or muffins.

**Basically it was about a dream, in a dream, in a dream. So three dreams plus one Limbo thingy and one reality. I bet you understand the movie completely now. You're welcome.

And I think people have stopped singing 'Friday' and referencing 'Friday' on Friday, right?


  1. A dream, in a dream, in a dream. 3 dreams. Plus one Limbo thingy, and one reality.
    Perfect. xD

  2. Tomorrow is Saturday and after tomorrow is Sunday, then comes Monday....should I go on? ;)

  3. @Randa I know, right?

    @Amira No, I don't think you should...;)
