Thursday 14 April 2011

My New Turtle


Today, my class went to a botanic garden. Apparently, at this time of the year, though, the garden has like areas where you can buy plants, so there were many lovely displays with colourful flowers and stuff. At least, that's what I think my teacher said. Maybe that's the case all year long. But anyway, while we were walking we saw a stand where a man was selling fish and turtles.*

So I bought a turtle.

So that was fun. But, I'm a bit worried about him, because he's well slow. I know turtles are slow, but I mean, everyone else's turtle was moving about and mine was just still. And no, he's not dead. He's moving now. But it turns out the man didn't put enough water in the bag that he put the turtle in. So he became dehydrated, and I think it made his eyes swell...:(

But we put him in a tank-like thing and he's doing better. His eyes still are weird, but he opened them and we saw that they're okay.

He's a red eared slider, according to our research.** So even though he's pretty tiny now, he'll grow to be big. Well, relatively big. Also, he might grow to bite.

Anyway, there were so many points when I thought he was going to die today, because he was acting weird, but now he seems okay. So that's good.

Also, we named him Charlie. I thought this was a good idea for a few reasons:
a) My friends Randa and Sherry helped me think of it.
b) There is a Charlie in Fringe.
c) There is a Charlie in Lost.
d) There are plenty of cool Charlie's on YouTube.
e) And Charlie is a pretty cool name.

So that just wraps up all I've got to say today. I was going to include a picture of him, but I haven't taken any good ones yet. I will though!

"Hey Molly, can we go to the dance and if you don't want to, then I'll understand, but if you like me then come take my hand and if you love me, then I'll never play Halo again," - Mike Lombardo

* I would just like to mention that I didn't like the way the man was handling the fish and turtles and that played a part in me buying one. So act cruel to animals you want to sell to make people want to take them away from you and give you money in exchange. Just kidding. Don't do that. Ever. Please.

** By 'our research' I mean my mum and brother's. I only researched a bit at the beginning when I thought he was going to die, to see how to help him. Once it became clear that he was going to be okay, I left the research up to them. But hey, I think they like to research stuff, so it's all cool. I think.


  1. Good to know that you left the research to the ones who "like" it!!! Hahahahahaha

  2. Awe, I'm happy you named him Charlie, it's a nice name. Indeed.

    -Also, it's nice to know you tagged me in this post. <3

    And, I'm glad he's feeling better now.

  3. @Amira Well you guys DO like to research!

    @Randa I'm happy too!
