Friday 30 September 2011

Details About My Week?

Remember how a few days ago, I promised that when I use my laptop I'll explain in detail why I've been busy? Well, now I'm using a laptop.

Okay, so, on Monday, my aunt gave birth but her older son was very sick. So, my mum picked us up early from school, so we could all go and stay with him. The reason she took us out of school is that their house is far from school and she didn't know if she'd have time to be able to pick us up when school ends.

But when we got their, my uncle told us to take him back to our grandparents' house, because the doctor needed to see him. Oh, and he had tonsillitis. When we got to our grandparents' house, he had a fever of about 40, and I think at some point it even reached 41. So of course, we were all trying to help, and we were stressed because he was crying and so on.

We stayed with my grandparents until about 11, which was when we were sure that my cousin was fast asleep. The next day we went to school, but after school we went to my grandparents' house to look after my cousin again. And we've basically been doing that all week. So until today, I hadn't been able to spend any time at home, because normally when we came back, I'd be so exhausted, that I'd just sleep right away.

And, on top of all that,  we haven't been able to see my new cousin. In fact, Tarek, my cousin that was sick, hasn't been able to see his brother yet. And, Tarek also hasn't seen his mother since Monday, so it must be horrible for him.

Luckily, he looks like he's much better, so hopefully he'll get to see them soon. And, we're definitely going to see my new cousin some time this week.

Oh, and I've had absolutely no time to study for SAT. I mean, technically, you don't really need to study, but you need to just practice a lot. And, I kind of need to refresh my mind on some math rules. I don't think I'll have time to study math today, so I'm not optimistic that I'll do well tomorrow on the test. I guess I'll just need to hope my English score is good!

I know that this didn't have as much detail as you might have wanted - or too much detail that you don't care about - but at least it's a long post! Right?


Thursday 29 September 2011

Introverts and Attention

So, yesterday I was reading an article about introverts and how extroverts always take the lime light, making introverts feel left out. Now, being an introvert, I found the article quite interesting, and I wish I had a link to it, so you could read it and find it interesting too. But I don't. Oh, well.

I know what the writer meant by extroverts always getting attention. They tend to give off friendly vibes, while introverts give off unfriendly vibes. Now, this doesn't mean that introverts are unfriendly and that extroverts are friendly; it's just the initial vibes people get when they're around them.

I personally know that I don't give off friendly vibes. I don't have 'I want to be best friends with everyone' written all over my face, because I don't want to be. But that doesn't mean I want people to ignore me all the time.

I'm not goig to lie: a lot of the times I like being invisible. In fact, I spend a whole lot of time thinking of ways to not be noticeable. But that doesn't mean I want to be ignored all the time. Sometimes, I want to ne noticed, but being an introvert, I find it hard to bring out my friendly, welcoming vibes to be noticed.

Obviously, I know most people seem to be comfortable around me, and think I'm a really kind person - which I'm really not - but that doesn't mean I'm not ignored while the extroverts get all the attention.

Don't get me wrong, I loe being an introvert, it's just I could relate to the article I read, and I wanted to write about it today.

Sorry if my thoughts weren't organised, but I'm sort of sick and can only think about sleeping now.


Wednesday 28 September 2011


So, I was thinking - and by that, I mean I just thought of this now - that next year maybe I might try to blog everyday. Not just in one month, but everyday.

I just really enjoy blogging, and it's a way to write a lot - something I really love to do. And now, thanks to the fact that I have unlimited 3G and I almost always have my phone it's a whole lot easier for me to blog.

So, what do you think? I mean, I know no one will read my blog everyday, but I think it'll be good for me. Like, when I'm older, I'll be able to read what I wrote and remember the 'good old days'.

I still haven't decided if I'll do this yet. But I still have 3 months to think about it. And maybe by January I'll have forgotten what a blog is, or that I ever thought about blogging everyday.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Also, count how many times I wrote 'everyday'. ;)

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Sociology Test and Stuff

Okay, so this is getting annoying. Not only do I have a headache again, but I'm also blogging on my phone before I sleep because I have no time during the day to go online. I don't want this to become the place where I complain endlessly; it's just I really wish I could use my laptop and write something worth reading.

The next time I use my laptop, I promise I'll write all about why I've been so busy. I mean, I kind of wrote a bit about it yesterday, but as far as I can remember I didn't go into detail. So I'll do that sometime in the next few days.

Also, I have a Sociology test tomorrow. So wish me good luck! That's an order!

Actually, don't. I think asking someone to wish you good luck cancels out any luck that person may have given you. :P

But I think the test will be simple. Or, at least I hope it is.

See you tomorrow blog! Bye!

Monday 26 September 2011


Today has been a weird day. And it still is weird, so I won't be able to write much today.

As well as today being Nadeen's birthday, it also happens to be my cousins birthday - my cousin that was born about 6 hours ago.

Yeah, you read right, my aunt gave birth today. Anyway, we had to leave school early and go to my uncle's house to take care of my other cousin, who happens to be sick with a fever. So, we came back to my grandparent's house because their house is next to the doctor.

I'm really excited, but I haven't gotten a chance to see my new cousin yet. And, my other cousin is feeling better now, I think. So, that's cool. :)

Also, Nadeen is really happy that she shares a birthday with our new cousin.

I'm happy too. :D

Sunday 25 September 2011

Headaches and Blogging


Guess what? I found my locker key. So that was cool.

Tomorrow is Nadeen's birthday. It's hard to think that she'll be turning 18. Heck, sometimes it's hard to believe that I'm sixteen.

Anyway, I forgot to blog today, so I'm writing this quickly on my phone before I sleep. I didn't exactly forget to blog; the whole day I was thinking of blogging but I just never got around to doing so.

Also, I've found out that when I have headaches, like I did today, I tend to try to postpone blogging until I end up not blogging and have to write something short and crappy. So, I guess I'll have to try to not get headaches for the few days left of September. XP

I think I'll end this here, because I plan to wake up at 5:30 for Nadeen's birthday! So, I'll talk to you tomorrow!

Saturday 24 September 2011



For one of the first times, I've lost my locker key. I still don't know if I won't find it, because it could be at school, but I'm not that optimistic. So, today, I learnt how to pick a padlock with a paperclip. I learnt a mediocre way of picking the lock, but hopefully it will work. I already tried it on one of our suitcase locks, and it worked, so I hope that I will be able to do it at school!

But I'm sad I lost my locker key. Want to know why? Because I have a few key-chains on it that meant something to me. Actually I had three things:

1) This orange key-chain that had a plastic seashell in it. (The one you gave me, Isra ;))
2) This kitten key-chain that Nadeen gave me. There were originally two kittens, so she took one and gave it to me, like friendship key-chains.
3) And this gimp key-chain, and the gimp I used was from one of my friends in Canada. And oddly enough, the key-chain was red and white.

I always have the tendency to give almost everything sentimental value, and it's almost impossible for me to throw things. I have a whole bunch of junk in my room, and I always give myself excuses as to why I should keep them. The best part is that although I know that I don't really need them, I end up convincing myself that one day I will. So I keep them.

And that's my life. ;P

Have a great evening! 

Friday 23 September 2011


I'm blogging early today! That's something I haven't done in a while.

Next week I'm going to take my SAT, and it hasn't really hit me yet. I don't think that the test will be hard, I just think that I will get tired because it's a long test. And then when I get tired, I'll start doing badly. Nadeen has taken the test a few times, and a lot of my friends have taken it before, but this is my first time.

I have a score that I hope to get, but honestly, I'm not that optimistic because I haven't practiced a lot. I bet you by next Friday, I'll be really nervous. Even now, thinking of the SATs give me butterflies.

Anyway, now Nadeen has a lesson, and she wants me to come and sit with her. It's an English SAT lesson, and I feel that I do okay in the English stuff, but I'll still go and sit with her.

I also just realised that some of you may not know much about SAT (Isra). Basically, it's a 4 hour test with ten sections each section has about 25 questions, and one of the sections is an essay. It's basically an English and math test. I'm not sure how many English sections there are and how many math sections there are, but I know there are more English sections. Anyway, it's important because here in Egypt your SAT score is 60% of what Universities look at. (The other 40% is your grades from High School.) In America, I think it's a bit different. What I've heard is that Universities in America look more at your grades and not on your SAT score. Too bad we're not in America though.

Well, I've got to go now. Hope you have a great Friday! :D

Thursday 22 September 2011


You know school is back when you start to look forward to the weekend! Like I mentioned before, school so far isn't that bad, but I still always look forward to the weekend - who doesn't? So I'm glad it's Thursday.

Guess what? Today I got my ID! So that's something that happened today.

Isra, you said that I'm lucky that I get to see my extended family so frequently, and I know I am. Don't forget that when I lived in Canada I used to get to see them once a year if I was lucky. I remember once I hadn't seen them for 2 years. And I remember that before we moved here, I was really excited because my mum told us that everyday after school we'd go and stay with my grandma because my mum would be at work. I couldn't imagine being able to see my grandma everyday. At the time I thought that there was nothing more I could wish for.

I still feel lucky that I get to see my grandparents so often - although I don't see them everyday like I used to when we first came here. And even though I was always close to them, especially my maternal grandma, I don't think I'd know them as much as I know them if I hadn't lived here and got to see them so frequently. Obviously. But I mean, I've learnt so much about my extended family since I moved here, and that's one of the main reasons why I wanted to come back to Egypt.

I know many people think their family is just a bunch of people they're forced to love and who won't stay out of their business. And those things are true. But they're also (normally) a bunch of amazing people who will always be their for you. Families are really a blessing, and no one should forget that.*


* I don't want to ruin the previous paragraph, but I do understand that some families are just a pain. But I mean, most of them aren't. ;)

Wednesday 21 September 2011


Yesterday, after school, we went to my grandparent's house. At their house, we all had to sit in their bedroom. And by 'we' I mean my siblings, mum, grandma, aunt and cousin. So, it was a bit crowded. I mean, it wasn't that bad, but what made it worse than it would normally be was that Nadeen, Christopher, and I had our books and backpacks and we had to do our homework and stuff.

And on top of that, I had a headache, so I was really not in the mood to do any work, even though I had to.

At about seven, we left my grandparent's house to go and get my dad from the airport. He was in Germany for a few days for a conference. Anyway, the airport isn't that far from my grandparent's house, but it takes a long time to get there if it's crowded. Unfortunately for us, yesterday the streets were very crowded.

By the time we got back home it was about ten, and I really was tired - mostly from my headache. And because my cousin was at my grandparent's house, I didn't exactly get to study for the tests I had today. So I just decided to put my alarm at 5am to study for a bit.

So, I ended up waking up today, studying for about 15 minutes or so, and then lying in bed until it was time to get ready for school.

The only reason why I talked about yesterday today was because I said I would. I don't think that this blog was very interesting though. Oh well.

Have a nice day! :)

Tuesday 20 September 2011



^Does that count as a blog post?

Sorry, it's just I was really busy today, and I had/kinda-still-have a headache since I came back from school. Anyway, I'm going to sleep now because I plan to wake up really early to study for two tests I have tomorrow which I didn't get to study earlier because of my headache and busyness.

Tomorrow, I think I'll talk about today!

See ya!

And Isra, the whole 'pain' thing made your comment hilarious! Thanks for making my morning!

Monday 19 September 2011



Okay, so Isra, you said you don't like moving because you've moved so much that you don't know where your home is, and I understand that. But I think I'd still like the experience, even though like I said, moving is a pain.

I just wanted to comment on that, but I won't bring up moving or change again! Hopefully.

I'm using my phone to blog because I'm at my grandparent's and I don't feel like turning on my laptop when I go home - I know that's a shocker! So, I decided to just write something now.

I really love the smell of paint. Maybe because it reminds me of when we were painting our house in Canada and I was all excited. I remember the painter let us paint things on the walls of our rooms before he painted them, which was a lot of fun. I mean, how often can kids paint on the walls without getting in trouble? So, that was pretty awesome.

Anyway, as I mentioned previously, my grandparents are doing some renovations, and their house smells like paint. So I'm happy. :) (Can you tell that I'm happy by the smiley face?)

Alright, so I guess that's all I've got to say for now. I hope you have a great Monday!


Sunday 18 September 2011


Hello! How are you? (Answer in the comments, or else!)

Today was the first day of the second week of school. How exciting.

I think I had a topic that I wanted to talk about today, but of course being me, I forgot what that topic was. Anyway, I'm now going to watch Survivor and do my homework. But before that, let's finish this post!

So, what do you think of the month September? Is it normally a good month for you? Or a depressing month because it means school is back? Or an exciting month because school is back? :P

Okay, here's another question: What's your favourite month?

I think I'd have to say that mine is March, for obvious reasons. But it's not only my birthday that makes me like March. For example, in Canada, we always used to have a week off in March (March Break) so that's another reason why I used to look forward to March. Also, I love March weather. It's still winter, so it's cool, but it's not freezing. Of course, this applies to Canada, since it's never 'freezing' here.Still, here in March the weather is also nice, because you can start to wear t-shirts without feeling uncomfortably cold, and at the same time you don't feel like you're dying of heat.

So, that's my favourite month.

I'm pretty indifferent to September though. It's not my least favourite month - wait, can someone have a least favourite month? I can't think of my least favourite month. But back to September. So, I don't have an opinion of September, but this year I was looking forward for September. And I'm quite glad that I decided to Blog Every Day in September.*

But that's all for today. :) Have a great day!

* I said 'September' A LOT in that paragraph!

Saturday 17 September 2011

More Change and Furniture

I'm going to talk about change again! I bet you didn't see that coming, did you?

So, yesterday, when I talked about change I mainly talked about websites changing their layout, but that's not all I meant by change. That was just the only example I could think of at the time. Another kind of change that people don't like is moving. I personally love to move, whether it's moving to a different country, or just moving to a different house - but that might be because I'm used to it. Some people though find it too much of a pain. Moving is a pain, obviously, but I still like the change.

When things stay the same for too long, I get bored of it. Like classes. If I'm always stuck with the same kids in a class every year, I'd get sick of it. Good thing there are always new kids in my school. :)

Something I always liked to do was go to my friend Nour's house and see what thing has changed. For some reason, her family always used to change the arrangement of the furniture, and I found that really cool. We can't really do that in our house because we built everything specifically for the furniture, but it used to work for her house. Sometimes the dining table would be in one area, and the next time I went it would be in a different area. Do you change the position of the furniture in your house often?

I reason I think I'm talking about change, is that my grandma is reupholstering most of her furniture, repainting the walls, and changing her carpet, and I can't wait to see how her house will look like when it's all finished. And I remember distinctively one day in Canada when I was going down to the kitchen to make my breakfast, I thought, "I'm bored of this house. Imagine how cool it would be to move and to have a completely different house." And this was before we were thinking of moving to Egypt, and I have no idea why I still remember that. But I do. And it just shows that even when I was younger, I liked things to change.

But saying all that, I still like some things to stay the way they are. And sometimes it's nice to have one house that you lived in all your life and all your memories are of that house. I don't have that, because I have memories from many different houses in different countries, and it's a bit odd, but at the same time it's also cool.

I guess I just like change because I'm used to it, and change is a big part of my life.

Friday 16 September 2011


Change. I don't know, but I've been thinking a lot about change lately. So, that's what I'm going to talk about today. But I guess you guessed that from the title.

I'm a person who likes change, but I think the majority of people don't. For example, when websites like Facebook or YouTube change just one little thing, everyone complains. But I normally like the change. Is that weird? Do you like change? Or does it annoy you? Or, does it depend?

I don't like all change, though. Sometimes things do change for the worse, but when it concerns something as small as the layout of a website, I don't see the point in complaining and letting it ruin the fun of using that website.

I wish I could elaborate more, but once again, I'm using Christopher's computer, and he's becoming more impatient by the second. So, maybe I'll continue this tomorrow. But probably not.

I have to wake up early tomorrow, so I'm going to sleep now. Don't know why I told you that, but goodnight!

Thursday 15 September 2011

Nothing. Honestly, don't read this.

Arghh, I have nothing to write about today. That's why I've been putting off blogging, but now I have to post something, before it gets too late and I forget about blogging.

So, it's the weekend. That's cool. I honestly have nothing of value to say.

I'll just stop this here. sorry.

I think there are fireworks outside.


Wednesday 14 September 2011


Tomorrow's Thursday! That means that almost a full week of school has gone by. It feels like yesterday was our first day. Actually, no. I take that back. We have way too much homework for yesterday to be the first day. I mean, we don't have a lot of homework, but just more than what you get on the first day, which is no homework.

I don't know why, but I always feel that school shouldn't give homework until a week of school has passed. I don't know why I feel that way - obviously teachers don't agree with me - but I just do. So it feels odd for me to be doing homework now.

The reason I'm talking about homework is that I was doing some now. (Then I watched a video, and then I blogged, so by 'now' I mean fifteen minutes ago, but whatever.) And then I'm going to eat and then come back to do more homework.

I have a question for you. Do you like to do your work - be it homework or any kind of work - as soon as you get it, or do you procrastinate? Because I think that I like to do both. It just depends on how I feel the day I get the work. For example, if I have to do something that's due in four days, and the day I got the work I had a headache or something, I probably won't even start until the last day, but if the day I get it I'm fine, I just do it right away and get it over with. Does how you feel play a factor on when you do your work?* Or do you always finish your work early or late?

I guess I'll go down now to the kitchen, to see how the food is coming along. See you tomorrow! And I can't believe only 14 days of September have gone by!** I can't wait till the end of September! :)


*Obviously how you feel affects your work, but I mean in terms of lateness and stuff. Do you understand what I mean? No? Didn't think so. No one understands me! *pout*

**I know that this contradicts with my first paragraph where I mention that this week has gone by quickly, but it makes sense to me, in my head. Sorry if it doesn't in yours. :P

Tuesday 13 September 2011



So, I almost forgot to write today! :P But I remembered, so that's good. Unfortunately, I'm using my brother's computer, because I turned off my laptop before I remembered, so I don't have much time to write.

This is my 60th post! Yay! At least, I think it is.

Tomorrow be prepared for a longer post. Maybe.

And Isra, sorry I'm always behind on reading your blog! It's just I haven't had much time to go online lately! :(

My brother's keyboard is hard to type with...I'm so used to my keyboard. :P

Okay, bye! :)

Monday 12 September 2011

School and Other Things


I'm at my grandma's house, using her internet, and using Pottermore! Yesterday, my internet at home was horrible, and I didn't get a chance to do anything online. And I have no clue if we have the internet today or not, so I'm happy that I'm at my grandma's.

So the first day of school was surprising not bad. It wasn't good either, but it just wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be.

I'm in a medium size class of 16 students. I actually don't have anything else to add. But our school is really becoming crowded! Every year there are loads of new students! In my class, they're only 4 new kids though. So far, my class seems good enough. :P

The best thing is that this year I'm with my friends in class. Last year, Randa and Sherry were in an other class and it kind of sucked.

Also, our history teacher has asked us to bring something to school tomorrow to put in a time capsule (it'll only be for a year, though). And I have no clue what to take. I think I'll just go and get something off my dresser; my dresser has so much useless junk on it. Maybe I'll put - okay, I have nothing. I'll tell you guys what I took tomorrow!* ;)

Until tomorrow!

*And by guys I mean Isra, since I think you're the only one reading this. XP x

Sunday 11 September 2011


Hello! So let's talk about being a Hufflepuff!

To be honest, while I was taking the test, I really didn't want to be Hufflepuff. Maybe it was just that I really wanted to be a Ravenclaw, but anyway,  I didn't want to be a Hufflepuff. And the reason I didn't want to be a Hufflepuff is I don't believe that I'm very kind.* But people always think I'm kind when they first meet me, so I knew that after Ravenclaw, I was probably a Hufflepuff.

But after I learned I was a Hufflepuff, I accepted my 'fate' almost instantly. I realised that it wasn't a huge deal. And then when I started reading what the 'prefect' had to say about the house, I fell in love with it. Honestly. I really like what Hufflepuffs stand for, and the more I read the welcome note, the more I realised that I am a Hufflepuff. I guess the test is correct!**

So, to sum it up, I'm really happy. And I'm so over Ravenclaw (kind of). ;P Plus, the badger is adorable!

Besides all this, today was the first day of school. I think I'll write about school tomorrow though!***



*I'm not unkind, I've just met people who are much kinder than me. XP

**The test may not be completely right though, because one of my friends (Randa) got sorted into Ravenclaw, but she's not a Ravenclaw at all. I can see her being in any house, but not Ravenclaw. Not because she't not smart, she is, but because studying isn't the most important thing for her and stuff.

***I feel like I always tell you what's coming up! XP

Saturday 10 September 2011


Tomorrow is the first day of school, and I still have things to do, so this will once again be short.

But something awesome happened today! I got my Pottermore email! And I got sorted. Guess what house I got in? I bet you guessed wrong.

I got into Hufflepuff! I'm going to write a post tomorrow explaining how I feel about this. But now, I really have to go!

Bye x

Friday 9 September 2011


I went to the eye doctor today and bought some new glasses.

That was my day, or at least the thing that was normal for a Friday.

I don't have anything much to say. Also, it's almost 12 and I'm really tired. XP

Sorry about this crappy post! See ya tomorrow!

Thursday 8 September 2011

'It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A!'

Yesterday, we - meaning my mum, siblings and me - were in the car on our way home from shopping, when the YMCA song comes on the radio. Naturally, we all start doing the dance. At first, Christopher was reluctant to do the dance because I think he was embarrassed, but after a few times and a bit of convincing he joined in.

The funny part is that we were on a road that had quite a few cars and one of the drivers behind us saw us dancing. He started laughing hysterically, and then started moving his hands like we were. I don't think he knew the dance, but it was funny that he was trying to do it. 

When the song ended, the driver went ahead of us, and while he passed us, he started clapping and laughing. It was really funny, and we all practically laughed the whole way home.

I was going to share that yesterday, but I forgot. So, here you go. 

Has something like that ever happened to you guys? Tell me in the comments, if you want. ;)

I hope you guys had a great week! Bye!

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Torchbox Pants?

Today has basically been a lazy day for me.

Actually, I went out in the morning to get some school pants. They didn't have my size, so we have to wait till tomorrow to go and get them, but at least we picked them out.

Other than that, though, it's been a lazy day. I've basically spent the whole day on my laptop, which is cool, because I watched a lot of YouTube videos and my subscription box is a lot emptier - it's still pretty full though. I don't know why I subscribed to so many people.

Now, I'm loading an episode of 'Torchwood' which is a show that's based on Doctor Who. Like, there are characters from Doctor Who and it's also about aliens and stuff. I haven't actually watched it yet, but I hear it's really good. Plus, I'm a huge Doctor Who fan, so I'm sure I'll like it.

I really need to stick to one topic in my posts. I'm always all over the place, but I just write what's on my mind, and normally I have more than one thing on my mind.

But now I have nothing else I want to say, so I guess I'll leave. Bye! 

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Lots of Places I Don't Know The Names Of

Today is Tuesday, but I've been so busy that I won't be able to upload a video. So that sucks.

We left the house early and went to our school to get our report cards which we were supposed to get in June, and to get some papers that my mum needed. Basically, those papers were for my ID which I've been allowed to have since I turned 16 in March, but we've only started the process now cause I'll need it to get into the SAT in October.

After we left the school, we went to the - actually I have no idea what that place was. It was where they took that paper we got from the school to verify that I was a student or something like that. I'm really not sure of what all the papers and things were for. Anyway, turns out that the school secretary didn't stamp the paper, which that place asked for, for more verification.

We headed back to school, got the paper stamped, and then went back to the place that's name is not known to me and then we had to go to the place where all the documents are made. And I've completely drawn a blank as to what it's called in English.*

Then, we got some more papers, and some of them needed to be photocopied. But their photocopier was not working, so we had to look for a place that had a photocopier. We found one, and then went back to the place that's name I can't remember in English, where we had to wait a bit and then I had my picture taken.

And that's the end of that story.

And to top it all off, the streets were really crowded, so I spent most of the time in the car. At least I got to listen to my music!**

I guess I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!

* It's so weird when that happens, since English is my first language and stuff. But I guess it's because normally when people talk about that place, they say it in Arabic, so I forgot it in English. And I do know the word...It's just slipped my mind...XP Weird....

** I always listen to my music in the car, and I normally don't listen to it any other time. So I actually enjoy car rides. :)

Monday 5 September 2011



Guess what? Guess what? I didn't forget to blog today! Whoo!

Does 'whoo' have an 'h'? Woo? Whoo? Whoo cares? (See what I did there?)

Today, we had a surprise birthday party for my brother, Christopher. I don't think he had a clue, so that was good. :)

Yesterday, I had a chat with some of my friends about the death penalty. I, personally, am totally against the death penalty, no matter what the crime is. I just don't think anyone has the right to take away another person's life. And I would like to know your opinions on this topic, so leave me a comment! If you want. But I just find this so interesting, and even though my net was crappy, and I kept getting disconnected, I really enjoyed the chat.

Tomorrow, I might go to the eye doctor to get my eyes checked. I haven't checked my eyes in three years, and I think it's time for me to get new glasses. And honestly, I hate my glasses, so I'm excited to get new ones, especially since I might need to start wearing them all the time.

I just came back from playing CoD with my brother. And now I really need to post this because it's almost midnight. I'll talk to you guys tomorrow!


Sunday 4 September 2011


I'm so horrible. I forgot to write a blog post today. I don't even have an excuse for you guys; it just completely skipped my mind.

And now I'm going to sleep...I'm sorry! I'll try extra hard not to forget again!

Bye x

Saturday 3 September 2011

Summer and Busyness


So, I've decided that I will try to write my blog post early. I remember in August, I always used to leave it to the last minute and then I would worry that I wouldn't post it in time, even though some days I could have posted a blog during the day. And I have no idea why I'm telling you this.

My grandparents were staying over for a bit. We were supposed to travel to Mediterranean Sea, and they were supposed to go to the Red Sea, but then we had some car problems, so they came to stay with us. My dad went before us to the M. Sea so he's been there for a while and is coming back today.

And I know that this is really late, but happy belated Eid to all the Muslims reading this! Sorry, if I hadn't told you that before! I hope you guys had a great couple of days!

School starts soon. It still hasn't hit me yet. This summer a) went by really quickly and b) was a whole lot busier than I expected. Well, 'the summer' wasn't busy because 'the summer' is a season and can't really be anything, but I was busy during summer. ;)

My (other) grandma and aunt are coming soon for lunch, so I won't have much time online now. So, I think I will end this here.

I hope you all have a great day! x

Friday 2 September 2011

More Stuff About America


I guess I'll continue where I left off yesterday.

So, then we went back to the hotel, checked out, and then drove from Cleveland to Youngstown, which is where we were going to stay for the rest of the trip. When we got there, we went to Taco Bell for lunch/dinner and then we went grocery shopping,

Well, not really grocery shopping, but we went to buy a few essential things, like root beer. For those of you who don't know, root beer is almost impossible to find here, and it's probably the only soft drink that I can say I really like. So, for example, when we go to Canada the first thing we do is get root beer. So we also did that in America.

But we didn't only get root beer; we got some food for my cousin, cheese strings (another thing you can't find here), chocolate and stuff like that.

And then the rest of our stay there was basically shopping and eating.

I could tell you about the flight back home, but I feel like that'd be really boring since I just told you yesterday about the flight to Cleveland.

Oh, and for the whole trip, I had a bad cough. And everyone in my family - except luckily my aunt and cousin - got a cold for at least a day and a bit with a fever. Being so busy though, we couldn't take time to rest.

You know what? I haven't told you why we went to America yet. Well, my aunt, who's now nine months pregnant, wanted to go to America before she gave birth. So, a few months ago she went see if she could get her visa so she could travel while she was still 4 months pregnant. But the embassy (or whatever) didn't reply to her until a week or so before we traveled. So she went to get interviewed and told them the truth, so they gave her a visa.

Now, obviously, she couldn't travel alone since she was eight months pregnant at the time and she had a 3 year old with her. So, the only people who could travel without a visa to the States was us since we have Canadian passports. So, we went with her. Originally, it was only supposed to be my mum who went with her, but at the end, we all went.

And this is my last log post about that! I will see (sort of) you all again tomorrow!

Thursday 1 September 2011

BEDS and America

In case you didn't notice, I was unable to finish BEDA. Once I was in America, I found it impossible to blog. I was just too busy and always on the go and the only time I had the internet long enough to write a proper blog was at night when we were at the hotel. And by then I would have been exhausted and it would have been a pain to write a blog post. Also, whenever I took out my phone, my cousin would ask for it to play games, and how can I say no to a 3 year old?

Anyway, I've decided to try to do BEDS (Blog Every Day in September). I think it will be better, because even though I start school soon, I doubt I'll be as busy as I was in August. And, as I said before, I think it's better to blog during school days because then I'm looking for anything to do that isn't school related.

I guess, I can tell you guys about my trip to America now. So here goes:

To get to Cleveland - which is where we were staying - we first had to take a 12-hour flight from here to New York, and then a 1-hour flight from New York to Cleveland. The flights weren't as bad as I thought they'd be, especially since I've never been on a flight that was longer than 7-8 hours and was expecting 12 hours to be horrible.

The worst part in the whole trip was actually the stay in the JFK Airport in New York. We were originally supposed to stay 6 hours at the airport, but our flight was delayed and we ended up staying more like 9-10  hours. And, because most of us didn't sleep on the first flight, we were exhausted. Also, the airport was so crowded that it was hard to even find a place to sit. It was horrible.

But then we arrived in Cleveland and we all just crashed once we reached the hotel.

The next day, we got up early (we got up early every day we were there, partly because of jet lag, and partly because we had to do things). Then we went to get the car that we rented from the airport.

My mum, Christopher and I were the ones who went to get the car and to go to the airport, we had to take a shuttle bus. And guess what happened? We had our mum's iPad with us and we forgot it on the bus. We only discovered it was missing a while later while looking at the rental cars and you can imagine how stressful that was for all of us. My mum had to call the hotel and tell them what happened to see if they could get it and then she called my aunt to tell her to go to the reception to see if they found it. Basically, we were all panicking.

Luckily, the hotel was able to find the iPad in the bus and gave it to my sister, so that was good. XP

I'll continue this tomorrow, because this has become really long.