Monday 30 January 2012


Today, my sister was telling me about something that she had to do for a group project. My mum, who was sitting next to her and looking over her shoulder to see the paper with the instruction, pointed to the paper and asked who wrote the instructions. When my sister said the name of a girl whom I recognized, I asked to see the writing.

Taking the paper from her, I wondered why I had wanted to see it. As I looked at the handwriting, I got my answer. I wanted to see if the girl's handwriting matched her character. I found that it did. I don't exactly know how to explain it but something about how her handwriting was big and circular reminded me of her.*

Nour, whom I've mentioned before, has very 'artistic' writing which suits her because she's very good at drawing. But her handwriting is also messy - in a way that makes it actually look nice but is hard to read at time - which also shows how she isn't that neat when it comes to taking notes because she's more worried about the actual context of what she's writing than how it appears. This characteristic of hers does not only apply to her notes but to other aspects of her life: appearances to her aren't as important as the actual 'context'. 

I like looking at people's handwriting because I feel like it does give away a bit of their characters. Obviously, I'm not good at 'reading' handwriting so I won't be able to see a random person's handwriting and be able to describe his or her character, but when I know a person I can see how their handwriting reflects him or her.

That's all I got to say for today!


* I'm not saying the girl is 'big' or 'circular'. I'm describing her handwriting there, not her.

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