Monday 9 January 2012


A few months ago, my friend told me that when she was younger, she always thought that when she'd turn 16 she'd be a lot different than how she actually was when she was 16. And then she asked me how I envisioned I would grow up to be when I was a kid, and I don't think I gave her a straight answer. It's not because I didn't know, it's just that I had never really thought about that, and I didn't know what to say.

Even now, I'm finding it difficult to describe. All I know is that, like my friend, I don't think I am at all like I thought I would be. In fact, whenever I try to remember what I thought when I was a kid, I can't help but think that time passes really quickly. I fell like it was only a few years ago when I was not even 10 and I was waiting desperately to be an age that consists of two digits.

The worst part is that you spend the majority of your time as a kid wishing you were an adult or, at least, a teenager, and then spend most of your teenage life wishing you were a carefree kid - which, in a way, you still are, but we, teenagers, like to believe otherwise - or that you were an adult. I wish that when I was a kid I actually appreciated that I didn't have many worries or anything at all. But I didn't. 

It's important to enjoy where you are in life because you don't know how the next stage will be.

I didn't read at all. So pages are the same. 

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