Tuesday 3 January 2012


Today is Tuesday. It feels weird knowing that I don't have to make a video today. And want to know the funny thing? I've been pretty much busy for the last two months or so on Tuesdays, but today, because I don't have to make a video, I'm free.

Thinking of how I made a video almost every Tuesday has had me thinking about routines in general. I hardly ever really follow routines. I always make myself routines, but I end up always not following them. For example, one time I decided that I would go and read on the roof while the sun sets every day.* That lasted for a few days only, and I don't even know why I stopped because I really enjoyed it.

And that example was a routine for something I enjoy, but if it was something I don't enjoy doing, like exercise, it lasts even less than a few days. Trust me, I have tried many times to follow routines and to make lists of things I wanted to accomplish everyday and I have always failed.

I guess the main reason I fail to follow to routines is that I don't have a lot of self motivations towards many things. Especially if I know that in the long run, if I don't follow a particular routine, I won't be affected. For example, the routine where I planned to read on the roof I didn't follow because I knew that not following wouldn't really affect me much; I could just read another time. But if I have a school project, and I decide that everyday I'll work on it for half an hour at least, I would follow that routine because I know that if I don't it would affect my grade. And to be honest, even then, there's a chance I would just end up doing lots of work on one day and none on the next.

Another reason I don't like to follow routines is because I like to do things when I want to. I prefer to read whenever I feel like reading instead of setting a specific time to read.

Saying all this, there are some routines I do follow like my routine in the morning, or my routine before I sleep but so on...

And now I'm going to end this because the word routine is starting to sound weird to me..

Book - pg: Le Morte D'Arthur - 382


* The sun looks extremely pretty when it's setting from the roof which is why I chose to read at that time up there.

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