Tuesday 24 January 2012

Decorations and A Birthday

We got rid of our Christmas decorations today. I wasn't too happy about that because I'm always of the opinion that Christmas decorations should stay up for at least two months. That's just my opinion though. I know that normally people remove their decorations at the beginning of January, but we like to keep ours up a bit longer. I have to admit that a factor for this is just our laziness to actually put everything away. But, we have a right to be lazy; it took us almost two hours to finish!

Today is also one of my best friends' birthday. Isra, I wish you the best birthday ever!

Technically, it's after midnight, so it's no longer the 24th, but it still is the 24th for a big portion of the world, and therefore it doesn't count as the 25th to me. And, to be fair, it's not even fifteen minutes past midnight.

I wish I could tell you where I am on the books front, but I don't have them near me. And I didn't read much today. I plan to read more tomorrow, though. Hopefully I'll have them tomorrow.

Take care. :)

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