Wednesday 11 January 2012


Today we saw my mum's uncle and his daughter who lives in England and was here for a visit. I, unfortunately, didn't get a chance to sit with them much and listen to their stories because I spent most of the time with my younger cousin. 

On the car way home though, my mum started telling us about what they were saying. And then she told us how smart and educated a lot of our family was and how they loved to gain knowledge. Then my brother said something that I could relate to: 

           "You know, it's sort of depressing hearing all this. It makes me feel so uneducated and dumb."

Then that started me thinking of how I should start reading more non-fiction books and I think - but this might have no truth in it ;) - that I spend too much time watching things online. So, from tomorrow, I'm going to try to watch only one episode of any series, and only half an hour of YT everyday. Instead of spending my time watching things, I will use the internet to try to gain knowledge.

I know, I'm putting a big goal here, but I'm really motivated to do this. The only problem I think I'll have in the near future is that I get headaches often, and I have a feeling that on those days, I will not feel like reading anything. Regardless of these headaches, I will try.

Speaking of reading, I don't have my books next to me now, but I did read a bit. Not much, though. I will write an update on my reading tomorrow though. 

Have a nice evening! :)

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