Saturday 21 January 2012

I like books

I finished The Fault in our Stars. I finished it last night at 3am. I may or may not have spend most of the night reading it.

Anyway, it was really really good. It's probably the only book that has made me cry and laugh. In fact, there are very few books which have ever made me cry. Many books have made me laugh, though, because, thankfully, laughing is so much easier than crying.

I remember watching a video Liane (from fiveawesomegirls) made where she said that Looking for Alaska made her both cry and laugh, but I didn't cry while reading it. Don't get me wrong, it was sad, and I feel like I should have cried, but I didn't. I guess it's because I just didn't really connect with Alaska and Miles as much as I connected with Hazel and Augustus. And by connect, I don't mean relate, because I have never gone through anything that any of those four characters have. What I mean is more like that I could not only understand their pain and sorrow, but feel it as well. I don't think I could feel Alaska's or Miles pain as much as Hazel's and Augustus.

Or, of course, it could be that The Fault in our Stars is just a sadder book.

The only other book that has made me cry was Mockingjay, in case you were wondering, which you weren't.

Anyway, that's all I've got to write. I didn't really want to go into the details of the awesome book (TFIOS) here because I hate spoilers and I would never want anyone to have found this blog to experience getting spoiled.

Hope you all had a great day. :)

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