Monday 23 January 2012


This is my hundredth post. I can't believe I've written a hundred of these. How did that happen? I have no clue...

Anyway, I'm almost finished The Lost Symbol. So, I'm glad about that.

I feel like this should be a special blog, but I really don't have anything important to say. So that's actually a bit depressing. Maybe this post will be better if I put a picture of a cute cat? Would that make this special?

Is this special now?!?!
Here, I'll put one more:

Isn't he/she cute? I've bet you've all seen these pictures before, because, let's face it, nothing spreads more quickly than pictures of kittens on the internet.

I was thinking of putting a picture of a puppy, but I decided against that. Maybe when I reach 200 posts? We'll see.

Have a great kitten-ful(l?) day. 

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