Tuesday 17 January 2012


I am aware that my last few posts have been on the short side, but since probably no one reads this, it doesn't matter.

I just had ice-cream even though I'm cold. I would have preferred to have coffee, but I try to normally have only two mugs of coffee a day, so that I don't become too addicted. And, unfortunately, I've already had my two mugs. The next best thing after coffee is ice-cream or chocolate. I chose ice-cream.

Thursday is a day off for us because it's 'Baptism Day'. So that's pretty cool. This year, there isn't a school day that I can say is a bad day - in terms of the lessons I have that day - but Thursday is the only day where I don't have a free lesson. And by free lesson, I mean Arabic, or PE - PE isn't free, but it's fun and it doesn't involve sitting in a classroom.

To be honest, this school year has been pretty good so far. My class is nice and most of the lessons are enjoyable, or at least as enjoyable as possible. You know what I like the most about my school? I like that the teachers are all nice - well most of them are. The administration maybe isn't the best and the students are definitely not the best, but the teachers are pretty good.

I don't know how this turned into a blog about school.

Have a nice day/evening!


Lord of the Flies: 214

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