Wednesday 18 January 2012


I finished Lord of the Flies. I liked it quite a lot actually. I'm not going to say I wasn't confused at times, but it was something I enjoyed reading.

Now, I think I will finish The Lost Symbol. For some reason it's taking me a really long time to read it. Actually, I know why it's been taking me this long. It's cause every time I start to get into it, I start reading another book. I normally read more than one book at a time - one for when I'm at school and one for when I'm at home - but lately I've been reading two books, and then picking one to read at both school and home and forgetting about the other one.

The thing about me is that I have a horrible memory. I'm not exaggerating when I say that if I don't read a book for a few days and then I come to read it again, I'd have completely forgotten what had happened or where I left off. Which is one of the reasons why I don't like literature at school: by the time I'm taking a test, I would have completely forgotten the story.

So, every time I go back to The Lost Symbol  I forget what happened and it takes me a a few chapters to remember. You'd think that knowing that about myself would me try not forget about reading a book, but it doesn't. I still end up having one or two books on my night table that are half-finished.

What baffles me, though, is why I stop reading some books. Normally you'd think it's because I get bored of them, or because I just don't like them, and although that might be the case sometimes, it certainly isn't the case all the time. I can name two books that I haven't finished reading because I forgot about them, which I really liked.

Anyway, naturally, because I want to finish The Lost Symbol soon, I've picked up another book. It's a book my great uncle gave me quite some time ago, but that I never really read much of. It looks extremely interesting though, and I think I'll enjoy reading it. It's called Gorillas in the Mist by Dian Fossey. If you haven't heard of it, it's about this lady Dian Fossey who spent, what, thirteen years? living with monkeys in Africa and studying them. And she basically wrote about her experience in a book.

You've probably heard of it though.

I'm going to go now! I really enjoy talking about books, even if it's just a one way conversation. I bet you plenty of my blogs this year will be about books. I mind even review a book or two.

Also, speaking of books, my copy of TFIOS arrived today! It was sent to my uncle's house, so I currently don't have the copy, but it's here! And it's signed! And I'm excited!  

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