Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Weekend and Chestnuts

I really can't wait for the weekend. I feel like last weekend was wasted because I spend most of Friday studying and worrying and then Saturday taking a test. Another reason I can't wait for the weekend is that we have exams next week so we won't get homework! Well, we might get some, but it won't be a lot in any case.

Okay, so my dad was roasting chestnuts, and I think they were in the toaster for too long because one just popped. It was kind of scary.

Anyway, they're finished now, so I'm going to eat some! Bye!

Monday, 30 January 2012


Today, my sister was telling me about something that she had to do for a group project. My mum, who was sitting next to her and looking over her shoulder to see the paper with the instruction, pointed to the paper and asked who wrote the instructions. When my sister said the name of a girl whom I recognized, I asked to see the writing.

Taking the paper from her, I wondered why I had wanted to see it. As I looked at the handwriting, I got my answer. I wanted to see if the girl's handwriting matched her character. I found that it did. I don't exactly know how to explain it but something about how her handwriting was big and circular reminded me of her.*

Nour, whom I've mentioned before, has very 'artistic' writing which suits her because she's very good at drawing. But her handwriting is also messy - in a way that makes it actually look nice but is hard to read at time - which also shows how she isn't that neat when it comes to taking notes because she's more worried about the actual context of what she's writing than how it appears. This characteristic of hers does not only apply to her notes but to other aspects of her life: appearances to her aren't as important as the actual 'context'. 

I like looking at people's handwriting because I feel like it does give away a bit of their characters. Obviously, I'm not good at 'reading' handwriting so I won't be able to see a random person's handwriting and be able to describe his or her character, but when I know a person I can see how their handwriting reflects him or her.

That's all I got to say for today!


* I'm not saying the girl is 'big' or 'circular'. I'm describing her handwriting there, not her.

Sunday, 29 January 2012

I have a bad memory.

I was this close to forgetting to blog today. Seriously. Right now I'm in my bed, reading before I sleep. As I was reading I thought to myself, 'I haven't written the page numbers of the books I'm reading in my blog recently. I should do that tomorrow.' Then I remembered that I hadn't blogged. I'm so glad I remembered though.

I have two tests tomorrow...I haven't studied as much as I would have liked too. Oh well, I'll just study in the break.

I'm reading Gorilla's in the Mist by the way and I'm on page 71. I didn't read at all last week.

So, I want to go back to reading. Hope you all had a nice day. Bye.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

My Day

So, should I talk about my day? I haven't done that yet, have I?

I woke up at 6:30am - well, actually I had woken up several times before that, but whatever - and then got ready. Then my family and I went to the school where Nadeen, my older sister, and I would take our SAT. Nadeen and  I then went to find our spots and took the test.

I was a whole lot more nervous than I was last time I took the test, even though this time I studied a whole lot more. Anyway, I'm pretty sure I didn't do that well, and I think I got a lower score than the score I got last time. Oh, well. :(

After the test, I saw Nour, my best friend. She had also taken the test but had finished about five minutes before me. Since Nadeen and Nour both have first names that start with the same letter, they were in the same room. I, on the other hand, wasn't even in a room that was on the same floor their room was on. I guess that's what happens when your name starts with a 'T'.

So Nour and I talked a bit about how we were glad the test was over and stuff, and then I went outside to see my mum and siblings waiting for me outside the school's door while my dad was waiting in the car. And, also in the car was my coffee which I had asked my mum to buy for me because I hadn't been able to drink my coffee in the morning. I love coffee.

Saying bye to Nour, we went back home for a while and then went out to lunch. So that was nice.

We're now at home again, and my grandma and aunt, who were here for a while, just left about an hour ago. And since then I've been watching stuff online because I don't feel like doing anything productive.

Anyway, a part of me can't wait for the scores to come out but another part doesn't want them to come out at all because I'm sure I'll get a bad score. I guess it doesn't matter what I want, though, because no matter what, I will get my score and I will have to wait for it.

I hope you've all had a great day!

Friday, 27 January 2012

Not Focused

Right, so I'm pretty nervous right now. Also, I have to go to bed cause I need to wake up early tomorrow.

I can't believe January is coming to an end. It honestly feels like it was New Year's Eve yesterday. Where did the time go? Sometimes time flies by really quickly. I hope it continues to fly by quickly until summer.

Sorry if my grammar or spelling is bad today; I'm not really focused on writing this at the moment and I'm using my phone which makes it even harder to write well.

So, before I make too many mistakes, I'll end this. Bye!

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Tests and Things

After tomorrow, I'm going to take the SAT. I've taken it before, and I've written about that here, but for some reason I'm way more nervous this time than I was last time.

When I took the test last time, I was relaxed for the most part, and I felt that the test was quite simple. And by simple I mean I didn't get stressed out throughout the whole thing and I had extra time during most sections. It wasn't 'simple' as in 'easy', but I wouldn't say it was the hardest test.

This time I'm worried I won't have enough time, which is weird since time was no problem before. So that worry is completely irrational, but it exists.

Also, I need to get a higher score than I did last time, and I just don't think I will get a higher score. Last time, I went in without studying, and I went in just to get a feel of the whole test. This time, it's more serious, and I actually studied more than once. If I don't get a higher score, then I will be really mad at myself.

Another thing, is that I don't want to go in again, which means that I should try to reach my final goal this time. Again, that's something that I don't think I can do. And it's really annoying.

Writing this is not helping at all with calming my nerves.

So, I'm going to end this now! BYE

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

All Over The Place

I hate not having anything to write about. That's the problem with blogging everyday, and I knew that that would be the problem, but I still decided to do this. I have no clue why, though. I mean, couldn't I have promised myself that I would blog every other month? Huh? Of course not, I had to say that I'd blog everyday for the WHOLE year. 

Anyway, that's enough about that. I really can't wait to see what will happen in the next few days here. There are lots of people protesting, and, so far, everything seems to be peaceful, which is good.

As soon as I finish this, I'm turning off my laptop which is weird for me because I normally turn on my laptop as soon as I wake up, and turn it off right before I sleep. But, I don't really need to use it now, so I guess it will be turned off.

I love how all of the previous paragraphs have nothing whatsoever to do with one another, but that's just how my mind works. It's all over the place.


Books! (I finally have them here!):

The Lost Symbol: 661 (I have like 5 pages left...)
Gorillas in the Mist: 44 (As you can see, I haven't read much of it.)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Decorations and A Birthday

We got rid of our Christmas decorations today. I wasn't too happy about that because I'm always of the opinion that Christmas decorations should stay up for at least two months. That's just my opinion though. I know that normally people remove their decorations at the beginning of January, but we like to keep ours up a bit longer. I have to admit that a factor for this is just our laziness to actually put everything away. But, we have a right to be lazy; it took us almost two hours to finish!

Today is also one of my best friends' birthday. Isra, I wish you the best birthday ever!

Technically, it's after midnight, so it's no longer the 24th, but it still is the 24th for a big portion of the world, and therefore it doesn't count as the 25th to me. And, to be fair, it's not even fifteen minutes past midnight.

I wish I could tell you where I am on the books front, but I don't have them near me. And I didn't read much today. I plan to read more tomorrow, though. Hopefully I'll have them tomorrow.

Take care. :)

Monday, 23 January 2012


This is my hundredth post. I can't believe I've written a hundred of these. How did that happen? I have no clue...

Anyway, I'm almost finished The Lost Symbol. So, I'm glad about that.

I feel like this should be a special blog, but I really don't have anything important to say. So that's actually a bit depressing. Maybe this post will be better if I put a picture of a cute cat? Would that make this special?

Is this special now?!?!
Here, I'll put one more:

Isn't he/she cute? I've bet you've all seen these pictures before, because, let's face it, nothing spreads more quickly than pictures of kittens on the internet.

I was thinking of putting a picture of a puppy, but I decided against that. Maybe when I reach 200 posts? We'll see.

Have a great kitten-ful(l?) day. 

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Thinking About Thoughts and Criminals

I was kind of busy writing a report today to remember to write this. So here I am, sitting on a chair in my room writing this so I can go to sleep. Well, read and then go to sleep, but you get the idea.

The report was on a criminal, and I have to say that there are a lot of messed up people out there. I'm mean really messed up. And the best part is that some people who turned out to be murderers or whatever appeared to be normal in society. That just shows how we never really know a person. Sometimes I even wonder how well a person knows his/herself.

Well, I'll leave you all (and be all I mean no one cause, really, who reads this?) with that thought. Hope you're all (again with the 'all') thinking about that thought.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

I like books

I finished The Fault in our Stars. I finished it last night at 3am. I may or may not have spend most of the night reading it.

Anyway, it was really really good. It's probably the only book that has made me cry and laugh. In fact, there are very few books which have ever made me cry. Many books have made me laugh, though, because, thankfully, laughing is so much easier than crying.

I remember watching a video Liane (from fiveawesomegirls) made where she said that Looking for Alaska made her both cry and laugh, but I didn't cry while reading it. Don't get me wrong, it was sad, and I feel like I should have cried, but I didn't. I guess it's because I just didn't really connect with Alaska and Miles as much as I connected with Hazel and Augustus. And by connect, I don't mean relate, because I have never gone through anything that any of those four characters have. What I mean is more like that I could not only understand their pain and sorrow, but feel it as well. I don't think I could feel Alaska's or Miles pain as much as Hazel's and Augustus.

Or, of course, it could be that The Fault in our Stars is just a sadder book.

The only other book that has made me cry was Mockingjay, in case you were wondering, which you weren't.

Anyway, that's all I've got to write. I didn't really want to go into the details of the awesome book (TFIOS) here because I hate spoilers and I would never want anyone to have found this blog to experience getting spoiled.

Hope you all had a great day. :)

Friday, 20 January 2012

Finally Getting TFIOS!

I got my copy of The Fault in our Stars! I've just read the first chapter, which, of course, I knew because I had heard John read it. Anyway, I'm going to start the second chapter now, but I just wanted to write this first so that I don't forget to write it.

Also, it's brown, the signature! I think that's pretty cool since the main character's name is Hazel. But, I didn't even know he was using brown. I keep trying to search to find out if he ever said what percent of the copies had brown signatures, but I can't find anything. I'll keep looking though.

I'm not going to say I'm not disappointed that I didn't get a hanklerfish or yeti, but at the end, it's still signed, and it's awesome.

When my uncle gave it to me, everyone wanted to see the signature - and by everyone, I mean everyone there who were my family, my uncle and his family, and my grandparents. The ones who saw it all said something along the lines of, "Is that a signature? His last name is Green, right? Where's the 'G'?" I made sure to tell them that his signature is 'J Scribble' and therefore didn't need a 'G' and my brother told them that he had to sign 150,000 copies, and it wasn't like he could have written his full name, or two letters for that matter, on that many copies.

So, I'm going to read now!


The Fault in our Stars: 22
The Lost Symbol: 553
Gorillas in the Mist: 22

Thursday, 19 January 2012


Hi. :)

Right now I'm watching 'Mamma Mia'. So this will be extra short and probably take me forever to write.

I'm trying to think if anything special happened today, but nothing did. So, I don't really have anything to write about.

I've started watching 'Sherlock'. I really love British TV.

That's all I have to write today.


Wednesday, 18 January 2012


I finished Lord of the Flies. I liked it quite a lot actually. I'm not going to say I wasn't confused at times, but it was something I enjoyed reading.

Now, I think I will finish The Lost Symbol. For some reason it's taking me a really long time to read it. Actually, I know why it's been taking me this long. It's cause every time I start to get into it, I start reading another book. I normally read more than one book at a time - one for when I'm at school and one for when I'm at home - but lately I've been reading two books, and then picking one to read at both school and home and forgetting about the other one.

The thing about me is that I have a horrible memory. I'm not exaggerating when I say that if I don't read a book for a few days and then I come to read it again, I'd have completely forgotten what had happened or where I left off. Which is one of the reasons why I don't like literature at school: by the time I'm taking a test, I would have completely forgotten the story.

So, every time I go back to The Lost Symbol  I forget what happened and it takes me a a few chapters to remember. You'd think that knowing that about myself would me try not forget about reading a book, but it doesn't. I still end up having one or two books on my night table that are half-finished.

What baffles me, though, is why I stop reading some books. Normally you'd think it's because I get bored of them, or because I just don't like them, and although that might be the case sometimes, it certainly isn't the case all the time. I can name two books that I haven't finished reading because I forgot about them, which I really liked.

Anyway, naturally, because I want to finish The Lost Symbol soon, I've picked up another book. It's a book my great uncle gave me quite some time ago, but that I never really read much of. It looks extremely interesting though, and I think I'll enjoy reading it. It's called Gorillas in the Mist by Dian Fossey. If you haven't heard of it, it's about this lady Dian Fossey who spent, what, thirteen years? living with monkeys in Africa and studying them. And she basically wrote about her experience in a book.

You've probably heard of it though.

I'm going to go now! I really enjoy talking about books, even if it's just a one way conversation. I bet you plenty of my blogs this year will be about books. I mind even review a book or two.

Also, speaking of books, my copy of TFIOS arrived today! It was sent to my uncle's house, so I currently don't have the copy, but it's here! And it's signed! And I'm excited!  

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


I am aware that my last few posts have been on the short side, but since probably no one reads this, it doesn't matter.

I just had ice-cream even though I'm cold. I would have preferred to have coffee, but I try to normally have only two mugs of coffee a day, so that I don't become too addicted. And, unfortunately, I've already had my two mugs. The next best thing after coffee is ice-cream or chocolate. I chose ice-cream.

Thursday is a day off for us because it's 'Baptism Day'. So that's pretty cool. This year, there isn't a school day that I can say is a bad day - in terms of the lessons I have that day - but Thursday is the only day where I don't have a free lesson. And by free lesson, I mean Arabic, or PE - PE isn't free, but it's fun and it doesn't involve sitting in a classroom.

To be honest, this school year has been pretty good so far. My class is nice and most of the lessons are enjoyable, or at least as enjoyable as possible. You know what I like the most about my school? I like that the teachers are all nice - well most of them are. The administration maybe isn't the best and the students are definitely not the best, but the teachers are pretty good.

I don't know how this turned into a blog about school.

Have a nice day/evening!


Lord of the Flies: 214

Monday, 16 January 2012


I forgot to write a post! This is the first time this has happened this year. Obviously I remembered now, but by forgot I mean that I forgot while my laptop was on and now have to use my phone.

Nothing special happened today. It was a pretty good day at school though.

Since I have nothing to say, I think I'll just tell you all what I kept telling my friends today: Smile!

Have a nice evening!

Sunday, 15 January 2012


Right now I'm syncing my iPhone with my new laptop. I've had my laptop for a while now but have been to lazy to transfer all my music to it. But as I keep getting new music, I've started to become annoyed that that music isn't on my phone as well as my laptop. So, I'm syncing it now.

The problem is I want to sleep now, but I have to wait until it finishes. And it goes about halfway and then says that I don't have enough space which is a main. Anyway, I just have to be patient.

I actually read quite a bit of Lord of the Flies but once again the book isn't next to me, so I won't write down how much I've read.

I'm going to end this here because I need to focus on iTunes. BYE

Saturday, 14 January 2012


This is probably going to be short. It won't be short because I don't know what to say but because I don't want to make all my posts long. That would be boring.

Is it weird that I haven't watched Star Wars or Star Trek? I've watched the first three Star Wars but until I've watched them all, I won't consider myself as having watched it. But being a nerd, I should have watched these things, right?

I'm going to watch the 4th one tomorrow though. That's all I've gotta  say. Bye.


Lord of the Flies: 131

Friday, 13 January 2012

Friday the 13th

I wouldn't I say I'm completely superstitious, but I definitely wouldn't say I wasn't superstitious at all. But to be honest, I don't think that I know of many bad things that have happened on a Friday the 13th. I know a few things though, but not many.

Nevertheless, I have always felt like something bad should happen. But, for some reason, I didn't think that today. I was a whole lot more superstitious a few years ago than I am today. I think the reason I'm not so superstitious anymore is that I've discovered that whenever I think something bad will happen nothing actually does and vice versa. But if something bad had happened today, I would have for sure blamed it on the date.

This might sound weird, but I have a weird dislike towards odd numbers. For example, years where I'm turning an odd number age, I used to believe would be a bad year. And the thing is, because I used to spend the whole year thinking it would be a bad one, I used to not enjoy it as much as I could have. So because I was superstitious, I gave myself bad years.

That's another reason why I've stopped being as superstitious. 

Whether you're superstitious or not, I hope you've all had a lucky Friday the 13th, or at least a normal one.


Lord of the Flies: page 112

Thursday, 12 January 2012


We had some family friends come over today. They have two kids who are both under ten, so naturally, towards the end of the visit, we played hide-and-seek. I don't know why, but whenever my siblings and I are around kids between the ages of 5-10, we end up playing hide-and-seek.

I was just thinking yesterday about how good I was at hide-and-seek when I was a kid. And then I started to remember where I used to hide (I was at my grandparent's yesterday, and their house happened to be the setting for quite a few hide-and-seek games) and I realised that my hiding spots weren't that great at all. So, that made me wonder exactly why I was good at the game.

As I was playing today, I found the answer: I'm patient. Now, before I move on, I just want to say, that I'm not trying to sound superior to anyone or anything thing like that. It's just that, in some things, I'm patient and hide-and-seek is one of those things.Want to know how I know I'm patient? I know because I remember how I used to sit in hiding spots, as still as I could be, for long times. And that's why I was good at the game. 

Most of the time, when kids play hide-and-seek, if, after a while, no one finds them, they start to get bored and move around or start making noise. This is a completely natural reaction because who likes to sit still doing nothing in what is probably an uncomfortable place? Well, the answer is me. I always used to play this game by myself when I was younger and in a big crowd where I would see how long I could go without moving anything but my eyes, and maybe sometimes I would allow myself to move my neck. Please don't ask me how I thought this game was fun, because I have no clue.

Anyway, back to my point. My point is that hide-and-seek is not only about finding a good place to hide, but also about the ability to stay still and quiet in that place. 

So, that's all I got for today. I played hide-and-seek at the ripe age of 16. And I'll probably continue to play it until I'm 26, not because it's my favourite game or anything, but because I have young cousins and I'm sure they'll want to play it. 


Uhm, I may have not read much and I don't have the book next to me again...Oops. 

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


Today we saw my mum's uncle and his daughter who lives in England and was here for a visit. I, unfortunately, didn't get a chance to sit with them much and listen to their stories because I spent most of the time with my younger cousin. 

On the car way home though, my mum started telling us about what they were saying. And then she told us how smart and educated a lot of our family was and how they loved to gain knowledge. Then my brother said something that I could relate to: 

           "You know, it's sort of depressing hearing all this. It makes me feel so uneducated and dumb."

Then that started me thinking of how I should start reading more non-fiction books and I think - but this might have no truth in it ;) - that I spend too much time watching things online. So, from tomorrow, I'm going to try to watch only one episode of any series, and only half an hour of YT everyday. Instead of spending my time watching things, I will use the internet to try to gain knowledge.

I know, I'm putting a big goal here, but I'm really motivated to do this. The only problem I think I'll have in the near future is that I get headaches often, and I have a feeling that on those days, I will not feel like reading anything. Regardless of these headaches, I will try.

Speaking of reading, I don't have my books next to me now, but I did read a bit. Not much, though. I will write an update on my reading tomorrow though. 

Have a nice evening! :)

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Waiting and Reading

Today was a pretty good day. I didn't get a headache, and school wasn't bad. Also, today is the day The Fault in our Stars comes out!

Now, I have to wait about a week or so till I get my copy, but I'm really excited! Every time I write the date today all I could think of was: TFIOS is released! I can't wait till I get my copy! 

I wish I had it now though, so I could start reading it. And I know people don't mean to spoil others, but when you read a book you like, you can't help blogging about it, or making a video about it, so I probably will get spoiled. I just have to try and avoid anything that seems to be a spoiler until I get my copy. 

I completely forgot to blog today until now. Anyway, that's all for today! And like yesterday, I didn't read, so I'm going to read now!


Monday, 9 January 2012


A few months ago, my friend told me that when she was younger, she always thought that when she'd turn 16 she'd be a lot different than how she actually was when she was 16. And then she asked me how I envisioned I would grow up to be when I was a kid, and I don't think I gave her a straight answer. It's not because I didn't know, it's just that I had never really thought about that, and I didn't know what to say.

Even now, I'm finding it difficult to describe. All I know is that, like my friend, I don't think I am at all like I thought I would be. In fact, whenever I try to remember what I thought when I was a kid, I can't help but think that time passes really quickly. I fell like it was only a few years ago when I was not even 10 and I was waiting desperately to be an age that consists of two digits.

The worst part is that you spend the majority of your time as a kid wishing you were an adult or, at least, a teenager, and then spend most of your teenage life wishing you were a carefree kid - which, in a way, you still are, but we, teenagers, like to believe otherwise - or that you were an adult. I wish that when I was a kid I actually appreciated that I didn't have many worries or anything at all. But I didn't. 

It's important to enjoy where you are in life because you don't know how the next stage will be.

I didn't read at all. So pages are the same. 

Sunday, 8 January 2012


I'm now drinking coffee, so I'm typing this with one hand. And now I put the coffee down cause my dad and aunt just came from their day business trip to Alex. Anyway, I had to get up and say hi. Main point: the coffee is no longer in my hand. I need my coffee.

Today was the first day of school in 2012. It was a pretty normal day.

I always expect the first day  or last day of something to be special. For example, the day before my birthday I expect something great to happen. I don't know why, I mean, nothing special is supposed to happen. It's just this weird expectation I have. And I don't think much about it. In fact, I didn't even realise that I had these expectations until I wrote that sentence before this paragraph.

Well, that was weird.

I'm going to go and study for SAT now. (Nour if you're reading this, be proud.)



Book: LotF - 74

(And an update on the coffee: I finished it. And this post took me like 5-10 minutes to write.)

Saturday, 7 January 2012


I can't believe today is the last day of the holidays. It honestly feels like we were just in school yesterday. I felt like I wanted to do accomplish more this holiday, but because we've been so busy, I've basically done nothing.

I did read a lot though. And I'm glad because last year, especially towards the end, I didn't read much at all. I don't know why that was so. And I also think I've mentioned this before, so let's move onto a different topic.

It's funny that only after I finished reading Le Morte D'Arthur I've become interested in the Arthurian Legend. I find myself always reading more about the characters online and just searching more about the legend. I wish I was this interested when I was actually reading the book.

In December, I had so many things I wanted to write blogs about, and I told myself that I would save them until January since I would need to come up with a topic everyday, and now that January is here, I can't remember one single topic.

Like how this blog post is basically me saying things that I've already said before in previous posts?

Anyway, have a nice day, and if you're a Copt, Merry Christmas! :D


Book: Lord of the Flies - 42 (I didn't read much today...)

Friday, 6 January 2012


So, in an hour or so I'm going to  have dinner at my paternal grandma's house with some of my dad's family. I just came from my maternal grandparent's house where I had lunch with my mum's family. So, it's going to be a full family day.

Having lunch with my mum's family is what we always do on Fridays. And then on Saturday we have lunch with my paternal aunt and grandma. I guess I'm pretty lucky that I get to see my extended family a lot.

I'm completely drawing a blank as to what I should write right now. So, I guess I'll end this now.


Books: Le Morte D'Arthur - Finished! :)
             Lord of the Flies - 15 (Just started and I didn't read anything today)
             The Lost Symbol - 481 (I was reading it before but stopped to finish Arthur. I'm going to start reading it again though.)

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Relating Things

So the other day I was talking to a friend of mine, and the conversation we had was pretty funny - to me at least. Since I don't know what else to write, I thought I'd paraphrase the dialogue for you.

Sherry (friend): Is it just me or has the weather been cold lately?
Me: It has been colder than usual, but then again you get cold easily so it could also just be you.
Sherry: But isn't it colder where you live?
Me: No, cause the sun is always hitting our house in the morning so our house is normally warm for the rest of the day.
Sherry: Yeah, I guess that makes sense. But when I was there, it was cold. Maybe it's because you live next to mountains...
Me: Mountains? What mountains?
Sherry: I meant desert...Have some imagination, Terry. :P

So, yeah, I thought it was funny that she got mixed up between mountains and deserts because they're so different. I mean, I know people get mixed up often and between weird things, but it got me thinking about how people relate things in their mind.

There are many things that I get mixed up between and I always tried to think of why that was so. When I was younger I always thought the 'table of contents' in a book was actually called the 'table of continents'. Don't ask me why I thought that, but that's just how I used to read it. Even today, there are times when I see the word 'contents' and think of 'continents'.

I guess a lot of the relations we make between words in our head were formed when we were kids. If you go to your grandma every week and she always bakes you cookies when you're young, there's a good chance that the word 'grandma' will always in your head relate to the word 'cookie'. Even if you're reading a book where the grandma is horrible and the opposite of your grandma, there's a chance that you'll still think of cookies subconsciously.

But that's a known thing I guess, I just find it fascinating. In general, I find the way our minds work fascinating, which is why I want to study psychology.


Book: Le Morte D'Arthur - page 505

(I'm going to finish that book today! :D)

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Arthur and Merlin

It's only the fourth day of the year, and I already don't know what to write. That's not a good sign.

Yesterday, I started watching Merlin. I've already watched four episodes and I must say it's a whole lot better than I thought it would be. It's also cool because the book I'm reading now is all about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

To be honest, at the beginning, I really didn't like the book, Le Morte D'Arthur, but as I read it, it started to grow on me. In fact, at some points I even thought it was quite good. Of course there are plenty of times when I'm reading it that I can't help but roll my eyes, but it's not bad.

I was never really into stories like that, that are only knights and fighting, which is why I didn't think I'd like 'Merlin'. I definitely didn't expect I'd like it as much as I like it now. If you like magic and medieval times, I would definitely recommend you check it out.

Have a nice day :)

Page: 457

Tuesday, 3 January 2012


Today is Tuesday. It feels weird knowing that I don't have to make a video today. And want to know the funny thing? I've been pretty much busy for the last two months or so on Tuesdays, but today, because I don't have to make a video, I'm free.

Thinking of how I made a video almost every Tuesday has had me thinking about routines in general. I hardly ever really follow routines. I always make myself routines, but I end up always not following them. For example, one time I decided that I would go and read on the roof while the sun sets every day.* That lasted for a few days only, and I don't even know why I stopped because I really enjoyed it.

And that example was a routine for something I enjoy, but if it was something I don't enjoy doing, like exercise, it lasts even less than a few days. Trust me, I have tried many times to follow routines and to make lists of things I wanted to accomplish everyday and I have always failed.

I guess the main reason I fail to follow to routines is that I don't have a lot of self motivations towards many things. Especially if I know that in the long run, if I don't follow a particular routine, I won't be affected. For example, the routine where I planned to read on the roof I didn't follow because I knew that not following wouldn't really affect me much; I could just read another time. But if I have a school project, and I decide that everyday I'll work on it for half an hour at least, I would follow that routine because I know that if I don't it would affect my grade. And to be honest, even then, there's a chance I would just end up doing lots of work on one day and none on the next.

Another reason I don't like to follow routines is because I like to do things when I want to. I prefer to read whenever I feel like reading instead of setting a specific time to read.

Saying all this, there are some routines I do follow like my routine in the morning, or my routine before I sleep but so on...

And now I'm going to end this because the word routine is starting to sound weird to me..

Book - pg: Le Morte D'Arthur - 382


* The sun looks extremely pretty when it's setting from the roof which is why I chose to read at that time up there.

Monday, 2 January 2012

Turkish Coffee

Today was sort of a crazy day. I had to wake up early and spend the whole day out of the house. I don't really feel like going into detail as to why today was crazy because, even though I doubt anyone actually reads this, I still don't feel comfortable writing everything about my life here.

Now you're asking, so then why even mention that today was crazy? And the answer to that is that I'm sure that at some point, I will reread all my blog-posts, so this is a reminder to the future-me of what happened today. Now I guess I'm just making you all extremely curious, but honestly, it was nothing.

Moving on...

We have less than a week left of holiday, and for some reason, I feel like this winter break has gone by really quickly. I don't know why, because we always have the same amount of time off but this time I feel like we had a very short holiday.

And, to make things worse, this whole week all I'll probably think about is how I need to finish my homework even though I know I have lots of time left. I just really want to get all my homework over with, but I haven't had much free time this holiday, and when I do, I don't feel like doing my homework and just want to spend my time online.*

Today was the first time I had Turkish coffee. I still haven't really formed a solid opinion on it yet, but it wasn't bad, that's for sure. And I still prefer normal coffee.

Speaking of coffee, I think I'll go and make myself some right now. Talk to you tomorrow!

Book - Page Number: Le Morte D'Arthur - 343


* Not that I ever 'feel' like doing homework, but sometimes I just feel less like doing homework, and I know that if do my homework then, then it won't be my best work. So, I prefer to wait until I 'feel' like doing homework. ;)

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New Year

Happy New Year everyone! I hope that every single one of you have the best year ever and that 2012 brings you all the happiness in the world.

For those of you who don't know, I plan to write a blog-post every single day of the year. I don't know why I've decided to do this semi-crazy task, but I have. I guess I just had so much fun last year in April (BEDA), September (BEDS), and the beginning of August (BEDA) that I decided that I might try writing everyday.

Now, I love to write, but I know that there will be days when writing a blog-post will be the last thing I'll want to do, but I will try my best to write something. So, I can't promise that everyday I will write a 'proper' post. In fact, I'm pretty sure that there will be many days when my posts are only a few lines - especially in November.

To sum it up, don't expect much from me, okay?

How did you all spend your New Year's Eve? My maternal grandparents came to stay with us for the night, so we stayed up and played bingo and ate snacks till midnight. It's kind of a tradition in my family to play bingo on New Year's Eve. We play before midnight and then after. The game after is supposed to portray our luck for the rest of the year. Now, I'm not going to say that I particularly believe that winning or losing decides your luck for the rest of the year, but I do enjoy playing bingo with my family...and winning, which I did lots of yesterday night.

Do you guys have any traditions that you do on New Year's Eve? I love to hear about other people's traditions.

Besides blogging everyday, I don't have any resolutions. I always find that I don't keep my resolutions, and I don't like to disappoint myself, so I tend not to put them. I'd much rather accomplish something that I decided to do during the year because I feel like it than put many goals at the beginning of the year, which I probably will never accomplish because I might get bored of them. Does that make sense to you? I always feel like my blogs make no sense.

So, on that note, I'll leave you for today. Have a great day!

Book - Page Number: Le Morte D'Arthur - 282

(^ I'm doing this because I really want to read a lot this year, and knowing that I have to write my page number on my blog will motivate me to read. ;) )