Thursday 9 February 2012

TFF: Civil Disobedience

TFF = Topics From Friends

This Saturday, many Egyptians are planning to not go to work or school as a way to protest against the SCAF. This civil disobedience is supposed to last for three days and as far as I've heard, lots of people are planning to participate in it.

I, personally, want to participate because I'm completely against the SCAF, but I don't think there is a point to it unless everyone in my school doesn't go on Sunday. If only a few people are absent, then it won't have much of an impact. And the problem is I have a feeling that in my school, there won't be many people participating. So, I'm not sure what I'll do.

In any case,I'm really interested to see what will happen on Saturday, and I hope that things will start changing around here. 

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