Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Flute

I don't know why, but for some reason I felt like playing the flute today. I used to play when I was younger and I actually took lessons for two years. I haven't touched the flute in at least two years though, and yet, when I picked it up, I found that I remembered almost everything I had learnt.

Obviously, I'm not as good as I was, and I keep losing my breath, but at least I remembered how to play it. And after a quick review of the notes, I soon had most of them memorized.

I didn't play much though because I have a headache and playing the flute is not the best thing for a headache. I just really felt like playing 'Spring - Four Seasons' by Vivaldi. Spring has always been my favourite one, but that might be because that's the one I heard the most as a kid.*

I hope I start playing the flute more, but knowing myself, I probably will play it tomorrow and then forget about it for another two years. Also, Sasha, our lab, is scared of the noise. I'm trying to get her to not be scared, but I don't think it's working well.

Anyway, I'm going to go now because I really want to read a lot tonight (I'm so hardcore!). I probably won't though because of my headache; I'll probably end up reading for half an hour and then sleeping


* My mum loves classical music so I always used to listen to Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven etc. as kid. I also think that my mum likes 'Spring' the most which is why I heard it the most.

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