Friday 24 February 2012

It's Friday!

This morning started off well when my uncle came over and played ping-pong with us. We also had lots of coffee which is always good.

Then, all of us went to my grandma's house where we waited for my uncle's wife and my cousins to come so that we could have lunch. (Side Note: it still feels weird saying cousins and meaning my first cousins and not second cousins.)*

I was supposed to go and play squash with my friends but it didn't work out. It's cool though because we'll just play squash next week.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Tumblr? Well, I do. I mean, I don't write much - or anything for that matter - on the actual site but I do love to look at other people's blogs. Is it weird to talk about how much I love a blogging site on a blogging site? But blogspot is quite a bit different to Tumblr, in my opinion.**

I hope this was cheerful enough! I don't think it was cheerful enough, but at least it wasn't not cheerful.

OH! I forgot to mention rainbows and unicorns. (Those were the things I said I would mention yesterday to make this cheerful, right?) Well, now they've been mentioned. You're welcome.

Have a nice Friday!


* In case you don't know, I've only had a second first-cousin for five months. Before that, I've only had one first-cousin (obviously).

** One example is that I capitalize Tumblr and don't do the same for blogspot. Sorry blogspot. 

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