Sunday 5 February 2012

Exams and the Weekend

I really enjoyed writing about snow yesterday, and I wish Skype was working so I could ask my friend for another topic. But, it's not.

Remember how I was all excited for this weekend to come? Well, I must say that it was, for the most part, a relaxing weekend, and I'm glad. What made it even better was that we got today off.

We have our quarter exams this week, and so we'll be finishing school early. Technically, that time after school is supposed to be spent studying, but let's be realistic here: The internet is much faster during the day, and I'll be tired - well, I might be tired - after the exams and so I'll probably end up watching things online until it's 3pm and then start studying.

I don't know why I'm sharing this with you, because it's not interesting at all. But I'm drawing a complete blank when it comes to a good topic to write about. That's why I need Skype to work.

Well, that's all for today. Maybe, if we're lucky I'll remember to have the books I'm reading around me so I can write the pages! But, again, I'll have to tell you to be realistic and understand that I'll probably forget them in my room again.  

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