Thursday 23 February 2012

I'm Tired And Therefore Grumpy...

Recently, I've been of the opinion that the weekend is too short. I mean, I've always thought that it was short, but now I feel as if I have so much to do on the weekend and there isn't enough time to do everything. So, I end up not really having a weekend. And it's annoying.*

You know what else is annoying? Our SAT scores. I'm getting really worried that the scores for some weird reason won't come out and I don't plan on taking SAT 1 again. So it will be a real bummer if I'm forced to take it again. You can't imagine how pissed I am right now about this whole thing.

Sorry I'm so grouchy but I'm tired and I feel like I want to do things since I can stay up as late as I want on the weekends, but I also am really tired. Also, I just had to redo a mission in Warcraft because yesterday I stupidly pressed on 'load game' instead of 'save game'. And then I failed the mission after that. So, as you can imagine, I'm not too pleased.

On the upside, it's my uncle's birthday today and so I got to see my cousins and they're adorable. 



* I feel like such a spoiled brat when I say things like that because I know I have things easy. I'm really sorry for all the complaining. It's really just because I'm tired. Tomorrow I'll write a really cheerful blog full of rainbows and unicorns and stuff like that. =P 

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