Saturday 4 February 2012


Lately, my internet has been pretty slow and it's really annoying. I just thought like sharing that.

Not knowing what to write about, I asked a friend on Skype to give me a topic and she told me to write about snow. So, here goes.

My earliest memory of snow was when I lived in England. Now, it doesn't really snow much there, or at least it didn't the years I lived there, so when one winter it did snow quite a bit, I remember my siblings and I being very excited. Now, even then, I don't think it had snowed much, and by the next week, the snow was mostly gone, but it was enough for us.

The three of us, along with our parents (although it was probably just our dad because our mum is not the biggest fan of snow), went outside and decided to try to built the biggest snowman ever. We spent quite some time working on that snowman and when we'd finished we had a thirty centimetre snowman that we were very proud of.

The next day, a lot of the snow had melted, but we were all pleased to see that our tiny snowman was still alive. The snowman was the last thing to melt which made my siblings and me very happy, but it still didn't last as long as we had wanted it to.

When we moved to Canada, we saw what 'real' snow looked like. I remember taking my dog out (he's a small dog) and seeing him disappear under the snow. I remember making forts at school out of boulders with my classmates and us fighting other kids for boulders and accusing those kids of stealing our boulders. I remember climbing up the icy hills that the machines that cleaned the snow off the gravel made and then having teachers come to tell us off. I remember sliding down ice slides and skating on ice. But most of all, I remember building snowmen after the first snowfall of the season that were much higher than the thirty centimetre one we had once thought was huge.

If there's one thing about Canada that I miss, it would be the snow. Although, to be fair, after the first few weeks of snow, it actually becomes more of a pain as you start to feel the cold and the snow becomes too hard to actually be made into anything.

But, it's still snow. :)

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