Wednesday 29 February 2012

Mythical Beasts/Animals/Creatures

Rainbow: an optical and meteorological phenomenon that causes a spectrum of light to appear in the sky when the Sun shines on to droplets of moisture in the Earth's atmosphere.

Unicorn:  is a legendary animal from European folklore that resembles a white horse with a large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead, and sometimes a goat's beard.

^ Those are both the first sentences that appear on wikipedia. I couldn't bother paraphrasing so I just copied and pasted. Hope that's cheerful enough for you.

Now, let's talk about my opinion of unicorns and other mythical animals. Now, I like the opinion that you can't prove something doesn't exist without being a hundred percent that it doesn't exist. So, in theory, I think that mythical beast must have existed sometime or exist in a parallel universe. But, in reality, I don't believe in things that can't be proven to exist, which is the opposite of what I would like to think. 

For example, when I hear a story, I will not believe it's a true story unless I have real proof. This also applies to many things which I'd rather not get into right now. But, when it comes to mythical beasts, my imagination likes to tell me that they could exist. So, when asked my opinion, I always say, 'Why not?'.

What I really believe, though, is that animals similar to unicorns and what not might have existed. Like maybe, there was, once upon a time, a type of horse with a bump on its head. And so on.

Nevertheless, I like the idea of mythical creatures because it's just a whole lot more interesting to believe that at one time they existed. 

So, that's just my opinion, what's yours?  

Tuesday 28 February 2012


I have a headache again, so this is probably going to be really short and weird.

My headaches normally start right after school and then gradually get worse as the day goes on. Sometimes, when I'm watching something, playing guitar, or doing any other mind-consuming-yet-not-mentally-straining thing, I'll be able to 'forget' about my headache, but as soon as I stop that activity I feel them again.

It's kind of getting really annoying. These headaches, I mean. They completely kill my day. I end up not being able to do anything productive and not able to enjoy anything else I do. Therefore, the days that I don't have a headache are spent doing things that are enjoyable instead of productive to make up for the days when I did have headaches. 

I wish I knew where I get these headaches from. Well, I know that they come mostly from school because I don't get them on the weekend and during the holidays I get them once every 2 weeks as oppose to 3 or 4 times a week which is the case during school.

Anyway, I'm going to go and read now! Sorry for being all gloomy and stuff! Tomorrow I'll talk about rainbows and unicorns again! Maybe. ;)

Monday 27 February 2012

Physical Copy or E-book?

So e-book or physical copy? That is a question that a lot of people are asking and to tell you the truth, I don't know the answer. But, I do have points about them which I'd like to discuss. And, I don't know if I've written about this before, but if I have, I'm sorry.

So, let's start with the pros of a physical copy. Now, one of the main pros is that it's harder to destroy a hundred physical copies than it is to destroy one e-book reader with a hundred books on it. And I know that the books on an e-reader are normally saved on a computer, but still. I personally have had my e-reader destroyed, and though I have the books on my PC, I doubt I'll read them again because it's not practical. And  you might point out that physical copies are not as durable as e-readers, but I'm talking about a hundred books vs one e-reader with a hundred books.

Another major pro is that I like the feel of books. You'll find that this is almost everyone's reason as to why they don't like e-books. Something about holding a book makes reading better, although I don't exactly know why that is. (A side note: I also like the smell of books, which you might say is weird. And obviously, e-books don't have a smell, so smell is also a pro.)

Now, let's talk about the pros of e-books. The first one is that you can have a hundred books available to you in your bag without taking any space. This is really practical for travel, obviously. I remember when I travelled to America and I had my e-book and how much easier it was than the previous time I had travelled and had to carry 3 heavy books. (I ended up carrying more than 3 at the end though because I bought books during my stay and by the time I came back home, my shoulder was hurting me.)

Another pro is that they're cheaper, which is always a plus. Also, a lot of the time, I find it hard for me to find books here in bookstores. They have to be very popular books for me to find them and even then sometimes the stores are out of stock. With an e-reader, I don't have to worry about that. And I know that many books aren't available as e-books, but most of the books I'm interested in are, so that doesn't bother me.

So, what's the conclusion? Which is better? I don't know which one I think is better. All I know is that either way, whether it's physical or electronic, it's still a book and I'll enjoy it all the same. So, it doesn't matter how I'm reading something as long as the actual book is good.


(The more I write the more I feel I've written a post like this before...)

Sunday 26 February 2012



Sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you.


Sorry again. Man, I have nothing to write about. Is it sexist to write 'man'? Should I have written 'people'? I'm not thinking straight right now. I guess I'm mentally gay...(Bo Burnham joke).

So, I'm going to leave now. BYE

Saturday 25 February 2012


I don't know what to write, so since I'm hungry, I'll put pictures of food! ENJOY!

You're welcome

Friday 24 February 2012

It's Friday!

This morning started off well when my uncle came over and played ping-pong with us. We also had lots of coffee which is always good.

Then, all of us went to my grandma's house where we waited for my uncle's wife and my cousins to come so that we could have lunch. (Side Note: it still feels weird saying cousins and meaning my first cousins and not second cousins.)*

I was supposed to go and play squash with my friends but it didn't work out. It's cool though because we'll just play squash next week.

Have I ever mentioned how much I love Tumblr? Well, I do. I mean, I don't write much - or anything for that matter - on the actual site but I do love to look at other people's blogs. Is it weird to talk about how much I love a blogging site on a blogging site? But blogspot is quite a bit different to Tumblr, in my opinion.**

I hope this was cheerful enough! I don't think it was cheerful enough, but at least it wasn't not cheerful.

OH! I forgot to mention rainbows and unicorns. (Those were the things I said I would mention yesterday to make this cheerful, right?) Well, now they've been mentioned. You're welcome.

Have a nice Friday!


* In case you don't know, I've only had a second first-cousin for five months. Before that, I've only had one first-cousin (obviously).

** One example is that I capitalize Tumblr and don't do the same for blogspot. Sorry blogspot. 

Thursday 23 February 2012

I'm Tired And Therefore Grumpy...

Recently, I've been of the opinion that the weekend is too short. I mean, I've always thought that it was short, but now I feel as if I have so much to do on the weekend and there isn't enough time to do everything. So, I end up not really having a weekend. And it's annoying.*

You know what else is annoying? Our SAT scores. I'm getting really worried that the scores for some weird reason won't come out and I don't plan on taking SAT 1 again. So it will be a real bummer if I'm forced to take it again. You can't imagine how pissed I am right now about this whole thing.

Sorry I'm so grouchy but I'm tired and I feel like I want to do things since I can stay up as late as I want on the weekends, but I also am really tired. Also, I just had to redo a mission in Warcraft because yesterday I stupidly pressed on 'load game' instead of 'save game'. And then I failed the mission after that. So, as you can imagine, I'm not too pleased.

On the upside, it's my uncle's birthday today and so I got to see my cousins and they're adorable. 



* I feel like such a spoiled brat when I say things like that because I know I have things easy. I'm really sorry for all the complaining. It's really just because I'm tired. Tomorrow I'll write a really cheerful blog full of rainbows and unicorns and stuff like that. =P 

Wednesday 22 February 2012

TFF: Oranges

I can honestly say that I hate oranges. I hate orange juice, I hate chocolate with oranges, I hate oranges in fruit salads, and I hate just plain oranges. In fact, I hate the smell of my hands after touching oranges.

I don't know why they annoy me so much, but they do. And I really don't like the white part in the oranges even though it doesn't have a taste. I think it's the texture of the white parts that annoys me. When I was younger and I had to eat oranges, I would eat them by peeling the white part off completely. If you haven't ever seen someone do that, then you probably don't know what I mean, and it's hard to explain, but basically all that I ate was the pulp.

Now, if you know me, you know that I dislike most fruit, but oranges are probably my least favourite. And not only oranges; I hate pretty much all citrus fruits.

I guess this hatred is inherited because my mum also dislikes oranges like me. The odd thing though is that I can easily say that oranges and clementines are my sister's favourite fruits. It's funny how different my sister and I are.  

Tuesday 21 February 2012

The Flute

I don't know why, but for some reason I felt like playing the flute today. I used to play when I was younger and I actually took lessons for two years. I haven't touched the flute in at least two years though, and yet, when I picked it up, I found that I remembered almost everything I had learnt.

Obviously, I'm not as good as I was, and I keep losing my breath, but at least I remembered how to play it. And after a quick review of the notes, I soon had most of them memorized.

I didn't play much though because I have a headache and playing the flute is not the best thing for a headache. I just really felt like playing 'Spring - Four Seasons' by Vivaldi. Spring has always been my favourite one, but that might be because that's the one I heard the most as a kid.*

I hope I start playing the flute more, but knowing myself, I probably will play it tomorrow and then forget about it for another two years. Also, Sasha, our lab, is scared of the noise. I'm trying to get her to not be scared, but I don't think it's working well.

Anyway, I'm going to go now because I really want to read a lot tonight (I'm so hardcore!). I probably won't though because of my headache; I'll probably end up reading for half an hour and then sleeping


* My mum loves classical music so I always used to listen to Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven etc. as kid. I also think that my mum likes 'Spring' the most which is why I heard it the most.

Monday 20 February 2012


Alright, so this is going to be extra short. By tomorrow I will know all the grades of my exams, and I'm pretty happy with my grades. I have a feeling that teachers expect me to be more excited about my grades than I actually am. It's not that I'm not happy with my grades, it's just I'm not good at showing when I'm happy or sad. Or at least, that's what I think.

For all I know, I could be really obvious with my emotions.

My goal by my birthday is to be a better ping pong table. Bye!

Sunday 19 February 2012


Why does the sun go down at night,
And in the morning rise as it gives us light,
Why can't I touch the sky,
And why is it birds can but we can't fly,
Why are all the clouds so white,
But yet don't contrast with the dark night,
Why does the strong wind fly by,
And why are there so many meanings to a sigh,
These answers may be simple and known to all,
But is it a sin to wonder about things big and small?


Okay, so that's just a really silly poem I made up now cause I don't know what else to write. Hope it entertained you!

Saturday 18 February 2012


I haven't gone to school on a Sunday for the past two weeks, so I know it's going to feel weird tomorrow. I have such big problems, right?

My mum is talking to someone whose daughter's getting married. I think. I've only heard a small part of the conversation but I heard 'congrats' and 'wedding'. I'm assuming she's talking to the mother because my mum said, 'You must be so happy!' And I just heard 'wedding dress', so it's probably for the daughter.

Okay, I don't know what to say. I was just about to write: I don't know what to wear because my mum is now talking about wedding dresses.

I'm going to end this here. 

Friday 17 February 2012

SAT Scores

Our SAT scores were supposed to come out yesterday, but for some reason, they won't come out for another 3 weeks. I used the pronoun 'our' in the previous sentence because this doesn't apply only to my score; this applies to all the scores of the tests in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (or so I've heard; it could be more countries).

It seems that something went wrong with the tests. Maybe someone is suspected to have cheated, but I don't think that would affect a whole country's tests. So maybe they discovered that a whole bunch of people have cheated? Or maybe they just really did come across a problem when correcting the tests. I don't know. I also don't know which need is stronger: the need to find out my scores or the need to find out the cause of this delay. I'd probably bet it was the former though.

Anyway, I'm quite upset because I really want to know my score.

On a happier note, I've been playing a lot of ping-pong lately, and that's been fun!

I hope you have a great day!

Thursday 16 February 2012


I'm a great believer that you can find everything on the internet. Ask any question that should have an answer (something that's not like: 'what's the meaning of life?') and you'll find that answer. Search for anything that can be found and you'll find it on the internet.

So, naturally, when I'm going through all the available sources on the internet and I don't find my answer, I automatically blame myself. It must be I who is doing something wrong. I probably should try to search for more search engines and I could search for my answer there. Or maybe I should write in different key words. After all, there is no way that the internet does not have the answer. That's impossible.

If after a very extended search, I still don't find anything (this has rarely happened) then I just assume that there must be no answer - or at least there is no known answer to people. It's odd that I have so much faith for the internet that I'm willing to make a statement as bold as saying, 'No one knows the answer,' instead of saying, 'the internet doesn't know the answer even though there is answer'.

But is my faith misplaced? I don't think it is. There is so much information on the internet that it's very easy to assume that ALL information is on the internet. And, to bring out my inner ten year old, I'll ask you to try to prove what I'm saying is wrong.

Saying all that, I could be wrong. I mean, this is just my assumption which I very much believe to be true, but I haven't done enough research to say that if you disagree with me I could show you evidence that you're wrong.

Regardless, the internet is a great thing no matter if it contains all the known knowledge of the world or not, but I will continue to have faith that it does.

Wednesday 15 February 2012


I spent the beginning of the day assembling a ping-pong table with my mum and brother. As a kid, I always loved those games where you had to build something, but unfortunately, I never got any. They were always given to my brother, and although he normally let my play with those toys, I was sure that it would have been different if I had owned some myself.

But that's okay, because I always used to get the coolest dolls. (I'm being sarcastic here...I don't remember myself ever liking dolls as a kid.)

No, but seriously, I used to play with lego a lot, and my brother and I even made a Lego Hogwarts which was so cool! I don't know where the pieces are now, but I do remember that it didn't last very long.

Anyway, all in all, today was a pretty nice day. After the assembling, my friends came over and I had fun. :) Unfortunately, there is school tomorrow, but at least it's the last day of the week! xP

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Spoken Word

I've been listening to a lot of spoken word recently. I can't believe I've never really heard of it before because it really is amazing. I love how it can be funny and yet serious, how it can appear to be nonsense and yet deep. That sentence doesn't make sense, but that's really how I find a lot of the poems I've listened too.

I guess I have to thank Watsky for introducing my to spoken word when he talked about the artists he liked in his most recent video. Of course,  being a fan of Watsky, I've known what spoken word was, but I never thought I would like it as much as I like it now.

I also really like how much the artists move their hands while reciting their poems. In a way, it really adds to the whole thing, and it gives the poems even more emotion than they already have.

Now, whenever I'm bored and don't know what to watch, I watch people like Beau Sia, Taylor Mali, Sarah Kay and so on perform. They're poems are so funny and interesting, but the thing I like the most about spoken word is that it's true. The poets seem to be really speaking from the heart.

I could go on and on about spoken word and how much I like it, but I don't really have the time right now. But if you haven't heard of spoken word, and you think you might like it, I recommend you check it out. 

Monday 13 February 2012

Valentine's Day

Tomorrow's Valentine's Day, so I thought that that would be a good topic for today's post!

Valentine's Day is not even close to my favourite holiday, but I wouldn't I say that I hate it. I mean, I'm not a big fan of how couples get all lovey-dovey and then stress about what to get each other. I don't really see the point in making a big deal when it comes to Valentine's Day gifts and Valentine's Day dinners and all that stuff. It's a nice day to spend with your significant other, but the whole expectation of it being a flawless day is unrealistic and either ends up with people secretly (or openly) disappointed or stressed out.

If you're single on Valentine's Day, then most of the time you end up feeling all depressed or left out. I personally don't think people should feel like that, though. I think that whether a person is single or not he or she should spend the day with the people (or the person) they love, even if that person is his or her sibling or parent or friend or whatever.

Valentine's Day is about love, and it's a great day to express your love to the people whom you - well - love. There's a lot of negativity surrounding Valentine's Day from bitter single people*, or from people who just hate the whole thing because it's so commercialized, but I think that if you really hate V-Day, then just think of it as a normal day. There's no need to complain about it and ruin it for other people.

Those are just my thoughts on the whole thing! So, regardless of whether your single or not: Happy Valentine's Day! x


*I obviously don't mean that all single people are bitter and I know the majority of them are cool on V-Day. :P Some are bitter though and you can't really argue with that.

(Happy Galentine's Day!)

Sunday 12 February 2012

Playing the Guitar

You know that feeling when you have so much you want to say that at the end you can't choose and end up saying nothing? Well, that's how I feel now.

My brother is upstairs playing guitar. Whatever he's playing sounds really nice.

I bet from my previous statement you can tell that I really don't know what to write about.

Hey! I know! I'll write about playing the guitar!

I've been playing the guitar for almost four years, and to be honest, I'm not that good. I mean, I can play songs and stuff, but I don't think I could ever win any talent shows. But, playing guitar is a great way for me to release stress. If I'm upset or have a headache or anything like that, when I play guitar I almost always feel better.

And it really is a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I don't listen much to popular songs and those are the songs whose chords are available online. So I have trouble finding songs I know that I can play. But that's not really a problem.

I'm going to go now because I want to sleep! Bye.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Goodnight aka don't read this cause it's short and pathetic

So, I wrote a post - a crappy one cause I'm using my phone - and then I think I deleted it. Maybe I didn't but honestly I'm too lazy and tired to check.

I'm also too lazy to write it again, but tomorrow, when I'm using my laptop, I'll tell you what I wrote.


Friday 10 February 2012

TFF: Real Steel

I just finished watching the movie 'Real Steel' and I have to say it was way better than I had expected it to be.

To be honest, when I started watching it, I had no idea what it was going to be about. I remembered hearing about it, but I couldn't remember what the main idea of the movie was. But, a lot of the times, I like to watch movies which I know nothing about, not even their genres. That way, it's a complete surprise.

Anyway, I tend to like robot movies and sport movies, so I really enjoyed 'Real Steel'. I don't know why, but the whole time I kept expecting Atom to start moving on his own like in most robot movies where the robot comes to life. I'm kind of glad that didn't happen though because it made 'Real Steel' different. 

I also liked the relationship between Charlie and Max because it wasn't like the relationship between most sons and their father in movies especially when the father had abandoned the family. What I mean is in most movies when there is a child who meets his or her father who left when the child was very young, the child either tends to a) have an idealistic idea of their father that eventually gets crushed (but then, because it's a movie, gets lifted again due to a great act by the father) or b) the child is completely distant and wants nothing to do with the father.

Now, Max was more on the 'b' side, but was not as distant as I had expected him to be. And I'm not saying that all movies are like that, I'm just saying that that's the case with most of the movies I've seen.

Moving on...I really recommend that you watch this movie if you haven't and if you're interested in robots and that kind of stuff.

I'm going to go now because I'm tired. Also, sorry if this doesn't make sense at times but it's late and I'm sick. Bye.

Thursday 9 February 2012

TFF: Civil Disobedience

TFF = Topics From Friends

This Saturday, many Egyptians are planning to not go to work or school as a way to protest against the SCAF. This civil disobedience is supposed to last for three days and as far as I've heard, lots of people are planning to participate in it.

I, personally, want to participate because I'm completely against the SCAF, but I don't think there is a point to it unless everyone in my school doesn't go on Sunday. If only a few people are absent, then it won't have much of an impact. And the problem is I have a feeling that in my school, there won't be many people participating. So, I'm not sure what I'll do.

In any case,I'm really interested to see what will happen on Saturday, and I hope that things will start changing around here. 

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Doing This

I was thinking earlier about how I'm going to blog everyday, and I started to wonder why I was doing it. I mean, no one will read this, and even though I say that it's nice to reread my old blogs, I don't think I'll ever reread ALL these posts. So why am I doing this?

I even started to think that I will just do this for half a year, and that will be enough. But the thing is, I don't like to quit things. I don't like to say I'll do something and then not do it. And even though no one reads this and no one will care if I don't write every single day, I will. I will always know that I couldn't accomplish it.

So, I am still going to try to do this.

But that doesn't answer why I want to do this. At the beginning, it really was because I thought it would be really fun. And I still do. But lots of days it's not fun because I don't feel like writing sometimes and I end up writing something pathetic that makes me feel bad. But, it's still writing something, and I do love to write. And if I really think about it, that's the reason I decided to do this: as a way to force myself to write every single day - even if it's only a few lines.

To end this, I just wanted to say that I will continue to write everyday because I love to write. :)

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Talking On The Phone

The exams today went well for the most part. I mean, I think I did okay, but I'm not sure. I'll find out soon.

Tomorrow, I have a chemistry test and right now my friend is talking to me on the phone asking me questions about chemistry. So, I'm multitasking. Be impressed. Or not.

Okay, now she's calling me out for not concentrating with her. For the record, I am, but her voice isn't clear on the phone. Okay? It's not my fault.

In case you hadn't noticed, I have nothing to talk about. So, sorry for this. :)

Monday 6 February 2012

My Surroundings

You know what I haven't done in a while? I haven't described my surroundings.

Leo, my little dog, is next to me on my chair*. I love it when he sits next to me, but it's also annoying because I can't move a muscle or else he will get mad. Sasha, my big dog, is sitting on one of the couches. She has a full couch to herself. My sister and mum are sitting on the couch opposite to the one Sous is sitting on and my sister is studying and my mum is using her iPad. My dad is now standing in the the kitchenette, getting the chestnuts out of the toaster**.

I have a tissue box and some of my school books on the table to my left and crackers and some more books on the table to my right. The TV is on an Egyptian news/talk show channel, but I'm not exactly sure who's watching it. It's a common thing for the TV to be on as background noise in my house. My dad and mum might be watching it though; I'm not sure.

Also, Leo, apparently unhappy with how much I've been moving, is now sleeping on the floor.

I have a bit of a headache, so that's all I'll write for today. BYE

* I say my chair because it's the one I always sit on.

** He wasn't getting them, he was just checking on them...

Also, Leo is back on the chair. ;)

Sunday 5 February 2012

Exams and the Weekend

I really enjoyed writing about snow yesterday, and I wish Skype was working so I could ask my friend for another topic. But, it's not.

Remember how I was all excited for this weekend to come? Well, I must say that it was, for the most part, a relaxing weekend, and I'm glad. What made it even better was that we got today off.

We have our quarter exams this week, and so we'll be finishing school early. Technically, that time after school is supposed to be spent studying, but let's be realistic here: The internet is much faster during the day, and I'll be tired - well, I might be tired - after the exams and so I'll probably end up watching things online until it's 3pm and then start studying.

I don't know why I'm sharing this with you, because it's not interesting at all. But I'm drawing a complete blank when it comes to a good topic to write about. That's why I need Skype to work.

Well, that's all for today. Maybe, if we're lucky I'll remember to have the books I'm reading around me so I can write the pages! But, again, I'll have to tell you to be realistic and understand that I'll probably forget them in my room again.  

Saturday 4 February 2012


Lately, my internet has been pretty slow and it's really annoying. I just thought like sharing that.

Not knowing what to write about, I asked a friend on Skype to give me a topic and she told me to write about snow. So, here goes.

My earliest memory of snow was when I lived in England. Now, it doesn't really snow much there, or at least it didn't the years I lived there, so when one winter it did snow quite a bit, I remember my siblings and I being very excited. Now, even then, I don't think it had snowed much, and by the next week, the snow was mostly gone, but it was enough for us.

The three of us, along with our parents (although it was probably just our dad because our mum is not the biggest fan of snow), went outside and decided to try to built the biggest snowman ever. We spent quite some time working on that snowman and when we'd finished we had a thirty centimetre snowman that we were very proud of.

The next day, a lot of the snow had melted, but we were all pleased to see that our tiny snowman was still alive. The snowman was the last thing to melt which made my siblings and me very happy, but it still didn't last as long as we had wanted it to.

When we moved to Canada, we saw what 'real' snow looked like. I remember taking my dog out (he's a small dog) and seeing him disappear under the snow. I remember making forts at school out of boulders with my classmates and us fighting other kids for boulders and accusing those kids of stealing our boulders. I remember climbing up the icy hills that the machines that cleaned the snow off the gravel made and then having teachers come to tell us off. I remember sliding down ice slides and skating on ice. But most of all, I remember building snowmen after the first snowfall of the season that were much higher than the thirty centimetre one we had once thought was huge.

If there's one thing about Canada that I miss, it would be the snow. Although, to be fair, after the first few weeks of snow, it actually becomes more of a pain as you start to feel the cold and the snow becomes too hard to actually be made into anything.

But, it's still snow. :)

Friday 3 February 2012


I don't know why I always forget I need to write a post. You'd think that after a month, I'd be used to it, but I'm not.

I'm not a person who likes to express my emotions openly, whether in writing or in a group of people. So, even though I know no one reads this, I don't really express how I really feel here a lot of the time. And I'm completely aware of this, and yet I know I'm never going to express myself fully here even if I tried to because it's against my nature.

Don't get me wrong, I do express myself to some extent here. I like to talk about when I'm happy and when I'm upset, but I just don't like going into detail as to why I'm upset though. I don't know why I'm like that. So, when I'm feeling under the weather, instead of blogging to get things off my chest, I just don't feel like blogging at all because I don't want to pretend to be all cheerful when I'm not.

Anyway, the thing is that, once I'm feeling fine again, I feel like I didn't really have a reason not to write about how I really felt.

The reason I'm writing this is I didn't feel like writing yesterday because I was sort of depressed about what happened in Port Said a few days ago (Feb 1st). I'm not going to talk about it because I feel like I don't know enough about what happened - even though I might - and I don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. Also, my own ideas about what happened will influence the facts that I know, and will distort the story even if I try my best to stick to the solid fact.

But anyway, it is such a tragedy. And I hope everyone who died will rest in peace and that all those who were injured will get better.


I'm sorry about yesterday's post, but I really didn't feel like writing anything. Life sometimes sucks, and I don't think that by expressing how it sucks for me makes it better, so I try not to. Of course, I do complain, but I try to complain about only trivial things that don't actually annoy me.

I'm going to end this here because I feel like I'm sounding all pretentious and self-righteous which I don't mean to be. I hope you all had a great week.  

Thursday 2 February 2012

Not a real post.

I didn't feel at all like blogging today, so naturally I forgot to till now. This is going to end here because as I said in the previous sentence, I don't feel like blogging. Proper blog post tomorrow!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Months and Five Minutes

So, I need to write this in five minutes.

Today is the first of February. Can you believe it's been a month since I started this? I can't.

February is a nice short month. It might even be my favourite month after March. Or not. I'm not actually sure which month I like after March. I have always liked April because it's springtime, and I've also always liked November, especially since I've started doing Nanowrimo.

The five minutes have already passed! I'll try to write more tomorrow!