My calculator broke today. Or at least it's battery died. It's quite upsetting because I need a calculator! Anyway, I have to remember to take Christopher's tomorrow.
I drank a lot of water today. I'm not used to drinking so much water.
I don't know how these random thoughts get in my mind. Why can't I write something a little bit more coherent? I don't know!
Ahhh, my brain is so weird! Okay, I'm going to go now! But at least I blogged. You know what? I'm going to try to write a post early tomorrow so I don't write something half-assed like this is.
I drank a lot of water today. I'm not used to drinking so much water.
I don't know how these random thoughts get in my mind. Why can't I write something a little bit more coherent? I don't know!
Ahhh, my brain is so weird! Okay, I'm going to go now! But at least I blogged. You know what? I'm going to try to write a post early tomorrow so I don't write something half-assed like this is.
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