Sunday 13 May 2012

School Stuff

I basically spent the last 2 hours working on a project, and now I'm tired! But I have to write this.

The project is basically to make a government for a made up country. And do you want to hear the hardest part in the project? Coming up with a name. Honestly, it took us forever! And I think we need to add a few more facts, but we'll think of that tomorrow.

Anyway, I feel like I have homework that I didn't do. But as far as I know, I finished all my homework. Also I have two tests tomorrow, and I feel like I didn't study for them. To be honest, I definitely didn't study for one - I gave the notes to a friend - but it's math, so it's okay. Chemistry is the subject of the other test, and I hope I studied enough. Anyway, I'll just study in break.

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