Saturday 26 May 2012

Lots to talk about!

Let's first talk about the wedding!

It was really nice. It started out with the 'Zeffa' (spl?) which is basically when the bride and groom first appear and there are people banging on drums and loud music. And by loud music, I mean really loud music. But it was nice and Azza, the bride, looked amazing.

Then there was the first dance which was, well, the first dance. Or wait, before that they wore the rings, and then the was the first dance. And then you know, it went on like a normal wedding with dancing and then food. There was also a video which was nicely made.

Anyway, overall, it was a very nice wedding!

Now for the next topic which is the elections! I know that they're two completely different topics, but I needed to write about the wedding before I forgot about how it was, and the elections are too important for me to not talk about them.

So, as the votes are being counted it seems to be a close race between  Shafiq and Morsi. Either way, they both don't have enough percentage to win, so there will be a rerun between them - there must be a technical word for that, but I can only think of the word in Arabic.

Now, a lot of people are pissed about this because they don't want Shafiq because he was from the old regime and was the vice president for ten days before Mubarak backed down, but at the same time they don't want Morsi because he's part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and he appeared out of no where. In fact, the only reason he got any votes was because he's part of the Brotherhood.

So, people who are completely against the old regime, are willing to vote for Morsi, just to spite the people who voted for Shafiq. Now, I don't want to talk much about this and my views on who should win, because I'm not old enough to vote, so whom I support is of no importance, but I don't think people should vote for someone just to spite people. You should vote for the person whom you think will do the better job! That's what makes sense!

Anyway, we still won't know the final result until Tuesday, so we'll just have to wait and see. But all I know is that I'm starting to become worried again. 

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