Thursday 31 May 2012


Today was the last day of school. And it was the last day for my sister to ever go to school. It's weird knowing that she won't be there next year. I wonder how school will be without her. I've never been in any school or building without her.

The exams, as I predicted, weren't all that easy. But, I think I did okay.

It still hasn't sunken in that summer has started. I think the reason for this is that Christopher still has school next week. I guess by next week, it will really feel like summer. I have so much I want to do this summer, as usual. But right now I'm so tired, I can't even think about anything.

 Most of my friends still have exams to take, so I won't be able to see any of them until next week. So that kind of sucks, but I wish them the best on their exams.

I hope this summer is a good one!

Wednesday 30 May 2012


Tomorrow's the last day of school! And I'm not excited at all. Really, what's wrong with me? I was so excited yesterday, but today I'm so depressed kind of. I think it's cause I'm still worried about the exams. I'm sure I'll do so badly.

But, you know what? I'm lucky. I won't elaborate, cause I don't feel like it, but I am.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Little Rant

People are no protesting on the streets against Shafiq which doesn't make much sense to me. I know a lot of people who voted for Shafiq and who want him, but just because some people don't, they think it's their right to protest. That's not the point of a democracy. In a democracy, you have to deal with whoever wins. If dealing with it is leaving the country, then leave. But don't protest or do something that could affect other people just because you aren't happy.

Anyway, that was just a small rant. I still can't believe school is almost over because I'm mostly thinking about my exams. I really don't know how to study. I don't know what I'll do when I go to university.

Anyway, again this will have to be short. But at least I'm blogging more and not forgetting many days! In the summer, I'm really going to work on this and try to make my posts more interesting!

Monday 28 May 2012

Almost Summer

The results came out today, and the 'finalists' are Shafiq and Morsi. Politics is basically all we talk about these days: in school, at home, everywhere. But right now, I just am feeling sick of politics. So, I will try to write a bit about what's happening each day, but I won't promise that I'll write a lot.

Tomorrow we start our final quarter exams. I'm really worried. And I just can't wait till the end of this week. Summer seems so close and yet so far. We don't have any more lessons this school year, just exams, but I still feel that the next three days will pass really slowly.

Anyway, I have to go and study more! ;)

Sunday 27 May 2012

Quick Update.

After yesterday's long post, I'm sorry to say that this one will go back to being a short one. Nothing much has happened regarding the elections. People are disputing over whether the elections are fair or not and the final results haven't been announced - as far as I know. So now, I'm just waiting for the next step, trying to be as patient as I can with everyone else's opinions. I'm thinking of maybe writing a post about my religious views, but I don't know. We'll see. ;) That was random, but I have been wanting to mention it for a while and I just remembered now. Anyway, I'm going to bed now. Goodnight!

Saturday 26 May 2012

Lots to talk about!

Let's first talk about the wedding!

It was really nice. It started out with the 'Zeffa' (spl?) which is basically when the bride and groom first appear and there are people banging on drums and loud music. And by loud music, I mean really loud music. But it was nice and Azza, the bride, looked amazing.

Then there was the first dance which was, well, the first dance. Or wait, before that they wore the rings, and then the was the first dance. And then you know, it went on like a normal wedding with dancing and then food. There was also a video which was nicely made.

Anyway, overall, it was a very nice wedding!

Now for the next topic which is the elections! I know that they're two completely different topics, but I needed to write about the wedding before I forgot about how it was, and the elections are too important for me to not talk about them.

So, as the votes are being counted it seems to be a close race between  Shafiq and Morsi. Either way, they both don't have enough percentage to win, so there will be a rerun between them - there must be a technical word for that, but I can only think of the word in Arabic.

Now, a lot of people are pissed about this because they don't want Shafiq because he was from the old regime and was the vice president for ten days before Mubarak backed down, but at the same time they don't want Morsi because he's part of the Muslim Brotherhood, and he appeared out of no where. In fact, the only reason he got any votes was because he's part of the Brotherhood.

So, people who are completely against the old regime, are willing to vote for Morsi, just to spite the people who voted for Shafiq. Now, I don't want to talk much about this and my views on who should win, because I'm not old enough to vote, so whom I support is of no importance, but I don't think people should vote for someone just to spite people. You should vote for the person whom you think will do the better job! That's what makes sense!

Anyway, we still won't know the final result until Tuesday, so we'll just have to wait and see. But all I know is that I'm starting to become worried again. 

Friday 25 May 2012


I have so much to write, but I won't get a chance today!

I wish I had written earlier, but I'm so stupid.

I'll write a lot tomorrow though! 

Thursday 24 May 2012

Wedding and Stuff

Today is the last day for the first stage of elections. We find out the results on Tuesday, as far as I know. But I don't really follow all the details.

We have to get ready for the wedding soon. I always hate that part the most because everyone gets so tense up. We all start to yell at each other, and it's stressful. And then the ride to the wedding is uncomfortable. It's already started.

Anyway, so as soon as I finish this, I will start to go and get ready. And I need all the time I can get because I don't know how to get ready quickly. I just naturally move in slow motion.

I hope the wedding's a nice one. I mean, I know that the people and everything about the wedding will be nice, but I hope like no scenes happen or anything like that. So that everything goes as planned. But we'll see. ;)

Wednesday 23 May 2012


I was going to forget to write today! I've been so well lately!

Tomorrow is the wedding, and I wonder how it will go. I can't wait  though. It'll be my first time to attend a Muslim wedding (which is basically the same as a Christian wedding, minus the church).

I wish I could write more, but I have a headache and I'm really tired! :P

Tuesday 22 May 2012

TedTalks and Elections

I've decided I want to start watching more TedTalks. They're really quite interesting. I don't think I've watched a single one that I didn't enjoy.

And moving from TedTalks, I would like to mention that the elections are tomorrow. I have no clue who will win. Everyday, I hear something else. One day, I hear that this candidate has the most supporters, and then the next day, it's someone else. So I'm so confused, and I'm so grateful that I'm too young to vote.

I feel like the coming month will be very exciting. But I guess we'll just have to see. I hope the elections go well though, and that one of the people I have in mind wins. 

Sunday 20 May 2012


So, earlier today I was thinking how I haven't gotten many headaches recently. And I was really happy about it. So, naturally, I have a headache today. I don't know if it's bad or not.

I have this problem where my headaches get so bad that I can't tell if they're there or not. Or they go and come. It's really annoying. Also, I'm thirsty. Go get me water! ;)

Tomorrow is Nour's sister's bachelorette party, and it will be first one I attend. Also, it's going to be at my house, so I think it will be an interesting night. I just hope I don't have a headache so that I don't end up feeling horrible the whole night.

Also, elections are this week. I'm really excited and at the same time really worried. I hope all turns out well.

Have a nice day. :)

Saturday 19 May 2012

More Questions...

I can't believe there are only two weeks of school left. In fact, they aren't even two whole weeks. I can't wait. So I liked answering questions last time, so I think I'll do the same again!

1) What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
Honestly? I would probably listen to other people's conversation. 

2) How old were you when you realised Santa doesn't exist?
No, seriously, I was 6, I think. People in my class were asking the teacher if Santa was real and were saying they saw their parents put the presents under the tree. So, when I went home, I asked my mum and she told me the truth about Santa. I don't think I cared that much, though.

3) What music do you hate?
I hate house music. 

4) When did you ever display courage?
Never. I'm a coward.

5) What junk food is your weakness?
Chocolate. Chocolate counts as junk food, right? Cause normally junk food is like chips, fries, hamburgers, but I don't like that kind of stuff. So chocolate.

Alright, so that's all I'll answer. Maybe one time I'll pick one interesting question to answer and just write a long answer as a post. We'll see.

Friday 18 May 2012

Character Resemblance

You know when you watch a TV show, and one of the people on the TV reminds you so much of this person you used to know? And then you actually see that person again, or check their facebook or whatever, and realise that he or she looks nothing like the actor or actress? But now you've made the connection, so no matter what, whenever you see that actor or actress you think of that person?

Well that recently happened to me.

I think the reason I still associate the person on TV with the person I used to know is the character's character. To be honest, the TV character is a better person than the person I used to know, but still there is a resemblance in their characters.

I don't know why I thought this was interesting enough to blog about. But, like I've mentioned before, I like how people make connections between things. So I assume everyone cares about what TV character reminds me of a person I know. But I know that I'm probably wrong. :)

Thursday 17 May 2012

200th :)

This is my 200th post. Let's put a picture!

Today, we had people come over and it was quite nice. Being an introvert, interaction with people isn't my strong suit. For example, as soon as the people came over, my throat became dry.It was so dry that I couldn't even say anything. And I was fine right before they came. I knew it was because I was nervous or whatever, but it's still weird.

But, I'm much better at talking to people I don't know well than I was before. Of course, if you didn't know how I was before, then you wouldn't believe that I was worse, but I was. I used to just sit in my spot and not open my mouth at all.

Today in the morning, I was in a really bad mood. I know why, but I don't feel like sharing it. Anyway, I was kind of annoying to everyone around me. But as the day progressed, my mood became better. Now, I'm in a great mood, but I'm just really tired.

On that note, I will end my 200th post. I hope you all had a good day!

Wednesday 16 May 2012


I found some random questions which I will answer now!

1) Where were you three hours ago?
I was at home, in the family room.

2) Have you ever eaten a crayon?
Wait what? No, of course not.

3) Are you wearing socks now?
Of course. They're dark blue. :)

4) What was the last thing you had to drink?
Uhm, I think it was green tea at lunch.

5) Last's person's house you were in?
My grandparent's. We went there for lunch...which is where I drank the tea.

6) What do you want to know about the future?
I want to know if I'll be happy or not.

Tuesday 15 May 2012


Today, I had my last P.E. lesson ever. It's kind of sad really. Next year, I get to choose between taking art of P.E, and I chose art. The reasons I picked art are that we didn't take art this year and I do enjoy art class. So I'm happy with my choice but I'm still going to miss P.E.

Anyway, I can't believe school is almost over. I feel I'll do really bad in the next quarter exams. I've never been so worried about exams, and I don't know why. Oh well...

I'm trying to make these a bit shorter until I find something worthwhile to talk about. So I'm going to end it here! Have a nice day!

Monday 14 May 2012

Water and People

Remember how a few days ago I said that our water was cut? Well, fortunately, it wasn't ever cut completely. Or at least, if it was, it was when we were out. So I was able to get ready normally in the morning.

Anyway, sometimes I wonder why people like me. If I think a lot about myself, I feel like I'm a really bad person. And yet, many people like me. I'm not saying this to brag or whatever, I just want to know why people like me, and why people like people in general. This isn't coming out as I had expected it to; I can't seem to express myself well.

I guess sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be so liked/loved.

Anyway, I don't want to act all 'emo', so I'll try not to mention this again. But I just felt like writing it down today.


Sunday 13 May 2012

School Stuff

I basically spent the last 2 hours working on a project, and now I'm tired! But I have to write this.

The project is basically to make a government for a made up country. And do you want to hear the hardest part in the project? Coming up with a name. Honestly, it took us forever! And I think we need to add a few more facts, but we'll think of that tomorrow.

Anyway, I feel like I have homework that I didn't do. But as far as I know, I finished all my homework. Also I have two tests tomorrow, and I feel like I didn't study for them. To be honest, I definitely didn't study for one - I gave the notes to a friend - but it's math, so it's okay. Chemistry is the subject of the other test, and I hope I studied enough. Anyway, I'll just study in break.

Saturday 12 May 2012


Our water's cut. We'll be getting it back sometime tomorrow, and I can't wait. I mean, I showered early today (luckily) and the water just got cut now, but it's still a pain. And I don't know what I'll do tomorrow...

Anyway, I don't really have anything more to talk about today. But I'm starting a headache and need to go to sleep. Just know that tomorrow morning I'll be suffering! :P

Friday 11 May 2012


Yesterday, I watched a part of the debate between two of the candidates for the presidential elections. It was the first debate we've ever had for candidates, so it was a little bit mediocre, but it was still a step. I didn't get to watch the whole thing, but I watched the first part. Also, because my Arabic isn't perfect, there were times I wasn't able to follow what was being said. (And I was also chatting with people, so I wasn't focused a hundred percent on the debate.)

I don't know how well the candidates did, but from most people's reactions, I doubt they got many new supporters. In fact, I heard that people became less convinced of both of them. I personally think that they could have been better, but since it's their first debate, I can't really judge. They both maybe could have been a bit wiser at times.

What I think would be really interesting is if there was a debate where all the candidates took place instead of just two. Anyway, I just really can't wait to see who will become the president!

Thursday 10 May 2012

Spring = Cheery

This month will be a busy month. I know that ten days have passed already, but I still feel like it's the beginning of May. Also, we end school soon, and there are other events I have planned for this month, and I feel like it'll be slightly stressful. I hope it's not though.

And though it's the weekend, I have homework, which I really don't want to do. I feel like this week wasn't a good one. In fact, I wish I could erase the previous week. I don't even know why.

Sometimes, I really hate people. And I know this sounds so emo and weird, but I just felt like writing it down. I'm not in a good mood, in case you couldn't tell. And I haven't been in  a good mood for some time now. It's just I keep on thinking of things that depress me, and it's annoying.

It's spring: I'm supposed to be all cheery and lively. Instead I feel all low and dead. I hope that the end of school will change this. I really do, but I don't know.

But, I know that this won't last long because I won't let it! So, I'm going to try to be positive! Yay!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Bus Accident

Today, on our way back from school, we were on the highway when we saw that a bus had gotten into an accident. Now, I didn't really pay attention to it because, to be honest, accidents always happen on the highway. But this time, my mum went and stopped the car on the side of the road.

Normally, when I'm in a car, I put my earphones on and listen to music, so I had no idea what was happening. I paused the music and heard that my mum was saying something about the bus being one of our school buses. After staying in the car for a minute while parked on the side of the highway, my mum decided to go down.

We weren't parked right in front of the bus, because many people had stopped their cars or buses to see if they could help, so my mum went out and had to walk a bit before she got the the school bus. Also, she didn't allow us to go down because, after all, we were on a highway.

When she came back to us, she told us that no one was seriously hurt, but that someone from my grade had a very bad nose bleed (I later learned he had hit his nose) and that there were only 5 kids and 2 adults on the bus and that they were all shaken. My mum offered to drive the kids home, but they were waiting for another bus. So, we waited until we saw the bus come and then we left, but it was kind of disturbing.

Luckily, it wasn't a bad accident, but it's scary knowing that people you know could have gotten seriously hurt. But I'm grateful that everyone turned out to be okay. 

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Mad and Short

I have a quiz tomorrow and I have studied. I feel like I know nothing but I guess we'll see tomorrow, right?

I have to go to bed now actually. But I didn't want to forget to write this.

Sometimes I get mad at people for no reason. Like they act really nice to me, and yet they piss me off. I think I know why, but still, the reason I have in mind isn't good enough. Arghh, I'm mad at myself now.

But I really have to go now. Maybe I'll talk about this later...or not.

Monday 7 May 2012


As the elections are approaching, everyone is always talking about whom they're supporting and why. And they're also advising people on who to support and arguing when someone has a different view. It's really all quite exciting.

I'm a liberal, so I wouldn't mind any of the candidates who are liberal to win - or at least semi-liberal. The problem is, I think some people are claiming to be liberal when they're really not, but we'll see! Many people are also objecting to those running who had any part with the old regime. But I think that not everyone from the old regime was so bad. And to be honest, we need someone now who will be able to make the country more stable.

But, it doesn't matter what I want because I can't vote either way. But I am excited to see what will happen and who will end up becoming the new president!

Sunday 6 May 2012


Ants are a very simple yet complex species. After at least two years of having ants coexist with me in my room, I still don't understand them. I understand the tiny ones, the common ones, well enough. They're very simple: they go to the food. And then they make lines as they carry the food back home. But I'm not talking about those tiny ones.

The ants that I coexist with range from small to huge. And they don't seem to go where the food is. They just appear in random places. The most common place for them is my bathroom. Now what exactly could they want from my bathroom? And the way they act is weird too. Sometimes I see the medium sized ants just standing on their four back legs. It's really weird. I have no clue what they're doing.

And the best thing is that all these kinds of ants live together. If a big ant comes across a huge ant or whatnot, they don't do anything. They just pass each other with no signs of recognition. It's almost like they have a deal that as long as they don't get too much in each other's way, they'll coexist peacefully.

Another thing is if an ant meets another ant like itself. Then, sometimes they'd 'sniff' each other, but most of the time, they all seem to ignore each other.

 I bet you a person who knows all about ants would be rolling his or her eyes at me. But it's not my fault I've never studied ants thoroughly!

Anyway, ants are really fascinating and I'm glad I get to observe them so often!

Saturday 5 May 2012


My youngest cousin, Karim, had a bit on his leg yesterday. It wasn't a mosquito bite, no, it was a human bite. Apparently, my oldest cousin, Tarek, Karim's older brother, bit him. But I don't think it was malicious; Tarek's kisses turn into bites sometimes. It's really quite cute most of the time.

Anyway, I don't talk much about my cousins here, though in real life, I don't think I ever stop talking about them. They're such a big part of my life and I adore them. I don't even know how life was like before Tarek existed.

 Family, in general, means a lot to me and I enjoy seeing my extended family once a week. I'm really lucky that I'm close to my family and that I have such a great one.

Friday 4 May 2012

Katb Ketab

Today was Azza's (Nour's sister) Katb Ketab. Katb Ketab is literally translated into the 'writing of the book', and it's basically when people who want to get married sign the paper stating that they, well, want to get married. It takes place in a mosque, and sometimes it's just the family of the bride and groom who attend, and sometimes - like in Azza's case - it involves friends as well.

I've never been to a Katb Ketab before today. I've only been to four weddings and they were all weddings of people in my family so they were Christian weddings. I've never been to a Muslim wedding, so this whole thing is new for me. For example, I'm a bridesmaid, but I'm not sure what a bridesmaid does in a Muslim wedding.

The wedding is in 20 days, and I'm quite excited for it, actually. I'll tell you how it goes when the time comes! But for now: May the fourth be with you!

Thursday 3 May 2012

Ants, School, and Fun

I just watched a bad movie with no plot. What's the point of a movie if it doesn't have a plot. I mean, some movies don't have a plot but they're artistic or funny, but this movie was a drama. Drama's are supposed to have a plot, or a conflict or anything!

Anyway, the big ants have appeared! They always freak me out at the beginning because they're huge and they buzz, and they fly...But they're really harmless, and don't do much at all. But, it is freaky when they land on me. 

I've decided to start reading a lot again! I don't know why I had stopped. But reading and blogging are now going to get more focus from me. And, on top of that, school's ending on May 31st, so I'll have lots of time to read and blog.

But until then, I must apologise if my posts aren't that exciting or interesting. I have trouble thinking of good topics to write about, but I promise to put more thought into this once school finishes. Then the fun will really begin!


Wednesday 2 May 2012


My calculator broke today. Or at least it's battery died. It's quite upsetting because I need a calculator! Anyway, I have to remember to take Christopher's tomorrow.

I drank a lot of water today. I'm not used to drinking so much water.

I don't know how these random thoughts get in my mind. Why can't I write something a little bit more coherent? I don't know!

Ahhh, my brain is so weird! Okay, I'm going to go now! But at least I blogged. You know what? I'm going to try to write a post early tomorrow so I don't write something half-assed like this is.

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Today was Labor Day, so we had no school. I didn't do anything today except relax, which was a nice change. On the weekend, I don't really get to relax much during the day. So, it's nice to just sit back and do nothing.

I know that many people don't get any day to relax and I'm being spoilt, but what can I do? I really like to relax.

But now I need to sleep! So, goodnight and I hope you all take the time to relax a bit!