Saturday 22 September 2012

Routine vs Change

I feel like I'm a person of contradictions. For example, I love routine. I love to wake up at the same time everyday and follow the same routine to get ready. And then have coffee at the same time everyday and have routines for other little things. When those routines need to change, then I get a tiny bit annoyed. I mean, it's not like a huge thing, and I can deal with it, but deep down I know I'm annoyed.

Saying that, I also can say that I like change. If things are always the same, I get bored. I remember thinking as a kid as I went to make my breakfast on a Saturday morning how I was bored with my life and wanted to go live somewhere else, have a different routine. And I feel like that all the time now.

So how can I feel both those things at once? How can I like routine and change at the same time? I wish I had the answer but I don't. I'll just have to go on living my life always wondering that.
(I make that sound a lot more dramatic than it actually is.)

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