Sunday 2 September 2012

Old House (2)

The old hardwood floor had many holes. Rory couldn't help but think that there was a huge possibility that termites were the cause for the holes. She didn't want to come in contact with any bugs, never mind a bug like a termite.

She took out her flashlight from her back pocket and as she clicked on the switch, the creaking door slammed shut. The house became completely quiet. It was so quiet that she found it eerie. There was no pitter-patter of rodents running on hardwood, no swoosh of wind blowing through the open windows, and now no creaking door.

There was one noise though: Rory's heavy breathing. Try as she might, she could not breath normally, and her heart was beating too rapidly for her liking.

"I just have to go to the garden, that's all," Rory whispered to herself, mostly to reassure herself that she could talk.

With that thought, she took a few steps, then some more, then some more. When she was half way through, she saw two round circles gleaming at her. Scared, she quickly shone her flashlight on them and let out a yelp as she looked at the eyes of a huge rat. It was as big as a small cat, and Rory didn't like cats.

Without thinking, she started to run towards the door.

Meanwhile, the younger kids outside were starting to get nervous. The house wasn't that long and Rory should have been back by then.

"Sarah, stand still!" Johnny said.

Sarah stopped pacing and looked towards the house worriedly. She couldn't stop thinking of all the things that could have happened to Rory. Why had Johnny convinced them to come to this place in the first place? They could have all been at home playing hide and seek in the yard.

Then to her delight, Rory came running from the back garden towards them.

"Johnny, look! She's back!" she cried.

When Rory was next to them she grinned. "Well, that was easy. There's nothing to be scared of. I mean besides the termites, the huge rats, and the ghosts."

"Ghosts? You saw a ghost?" Johnny said in awe.

Rory shrugged. "If you want to know what's in there, then you can go inside." And with that she left the two younger kids and walked away.

Sarah and Johnny looked at each other with wide eyes. Then ran towards their sister, both secretly agreeing never to go near that haunted house again.

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