Wednesday 12 September 2012


I was watching something today that was about how people become evil. The speaker mentioned how a person's environment and the system around him or her could lead them to make 'evil' decisions. He also mentioned how following blindly can make people act in ways that they wouldn't normally act in. Of course those are all things that most people can guess, but sometimes we just don't think about them

Another thing he said was how a person could also change their personality to become good because sometimes they aren't completely bad but have been lead to make a bad decision. He ended his speech by saying that students from a young age should be lead to believe that they can all be heroes if they just wait for their time - and, according to him, we're all going to get our chance. 

I found that part very interesting because that means everyone has the potential of being a hero. I imagine myself in the future as someone who helps people, but I would never imagine myself as a hero. I don't even know what that means. What is a hero? Is it a person who saves a person from death or just saves them? What does 'saving' a person imply?

This all can lead to many questions which I will not bore you with, but I do think it's a good idea for everyone to believe they can be a hero. I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

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