Wednesday 26 September 2012

Mix of Topics

This week went by quickly. I can't believe tomorrow is Thursday. I hope the days go by quickly like this till the end of the year. If they do, then this year will be the best year ever.

I'm at a complete blank (is that even the right expression?). I can't think of anything interesting enough to write about. I was going to write about how the people who are closest to you always have a bigger chance of disappointing you and how that disappointment is normally big. But I didn't really feel like going much into that.

Then I wanted to write about how we took a personality text at school and from a scale of 0-40 in being extroverted (40 being the score of a person who was the most extroverted) I got a score of 1. I didn't realize I was that introverted! But that's all I have to say on that subject so it's not enough for me to write a post about.

Of course I could talk about the birthdays today. But I mean, there's not much to say. We had a birthday celebration and I got to eat two kinds of cake. Also, we sang happy birthday and everything was just great. I never thought I would ever get so emotional about the happy birthday song.

And that's about it. I could tell you a bit about school, but, really, who cares? I hope your weeks have been going by as quickly as mine, or that they have been going by slowly and you're enjoying them. 

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