Monday 3 September 2012

First Day

Even though today was the first day of school, I don't have anything special to say. I guess that after going to school all these years the first day is no longer anything special. As soon as you know which class you're in and your teachers, it's exactly the same as the year before.

We didn't do much today, and I couldn't help thinking that if I was at home I'd be more productive. Sure, until 9 I would be sleeping but I would accomplish more and not get a headache by 12 and therefore kill the rest of the day. That's what school does.

I didn't mean for this to be a hating-on-school post. I have hopes that I might even enjoy school this year. Today just wasn't a good day, so I'm not in these best of moods to write a cheery post.

Here's hoping that tomorrow will be a better day. 

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