Sunday 23 September 2012

Gender Biases

I read an article today about how gender biases still exist today. My first thought was that of course they still exist. Maybe I know they exist more than someone living in the west would because there are many gender biases here that I experience all the time. But it still shouldn't be surprising to anyone.

I always knew that they still exist in the Western world even if they aren't as overt as they are here. The article even says that both women and men form these biases unconsciously and aren't aware that they're being sexist. I find that part very fascinating because I personally know many people who claim they aren't sexist when their actions say otherwise. Now, I know most of the time they do realize that they are acting sexist but just don't want to admit it, but there are a few cases where I think the people don't realize that they're acting on gender biases.

This article was good because it showed people who believe gender biases are no longer problem that they still are. I think awareness is always the first step to solving anything, so I hope more people become aware of the problem of gender biases and sexism which still largely exist. 

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