Thursday 28 June 2012

Yesterday and Today

We started off our day yesterday by being late. Well, we weren't late at the very beginning, but our driver for the airport shuttle bus took us through a route that was crowded so we were late to the airport. Fortunately, we were able to check in on time.  Then at the next airport in London, we were also late. The plane landed later than it was supposed to, and we had to run in the airport to get to our plane on time.  So the time at the airports was short and rushed. Then on the plane, I felt sick. I normally feel unwell during the landing, but yesterday I felt unwell for quite a long time on the plane. It wasn't the best trip in the world. But, the food was pretty good! Now, it's Thursday, and we're at Tim Hortons waiting for my dad to come so we can have lunch. Later on we'll be going to my mum's cousin's house for dinner, and I think it'll be fun.  So although yesterday, when we were on the ground, we were stressed and rushed, we now have two weeks of relaxation ahead of us, which I'm looking forward to! (And, on a good note, the dogs seem to be doing fine!)

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